3. 中國政府試圖阻止家長操縱考試製度(再次) Chinese authorities try to stop parents gaming the exam system (again) (www.economist.com)
6. 只有亞洲才能幫助美國對抗中國的造船實力 Only Asia can help America counter China’s shipbuilding prowess (www.economist.com)
8. 埃及和約旦正努力讓自己成為唐納德-特朗普的得力助手 Egypt and Jordan are struggling to make themselves useful to Donald Trump (www.economist.com)
14. 唐納德-特朗普削減對外援助威脅農村選民 Donald Trump’s foreign-aid cuts threaten his rural voters (www.economist.com)
18. 英國政府可以無視對其庇護政策的反對意見 Britain’s government can ignore objections to its asylum policies (www.economist.com)
31. 中國領導人在房地產問題上的對峙似乎是眨眼之間的事 China’s leaders look to have blinked in their property face-off (www.economist.com)
32. 一部獲奧斯卡提名的電影引發了對巴西獨裁統治的反思 An Oscar-nominated film sparks a reckoning with Brazil’s dictatorship (www.economist.com)
34. Shein 試圖在倫敦首次亮相前修補公眾形象 Shein attempts to mend its public image before its London debut (www.economist.com)
37. 德國下屆政府可能需要歐盟的幫助才能大手筆花錢 To spend big, Germany’s next government may need EU help (www.economist.com)
38. 投資者擔心通貨膨脹會捲土重來。他們可能是對的 Investors fear inflation is coming back. They may be right (www.economist.com)
40. 唐納德-特朗普是一個魯莽的總統,但還不是一個無法無天的總統 Donald Trump is a reckless president, but not yet a lawless one (www.economist.com)
43. 埃隆-馬斯克給埃森哲、麥肯錫及其競爭對手帶來危險 Elon Musk spells danger for Accenture, McKinsey and their rivals (www.economist.com)
48. 特朗普政府希望如何重塑美國科學 How the Trump administration wants to reshape American science (www.economist.com)
52. 新研究發現了古代歐亞大陸的一夫多妻制和通婚現象 New research uncovers polygamy and intermarriage in ancient Eurasia (www.economist.com)
53. 哪些國家向烏克蘭提供的支持最多,哪些最少? Which countries provide the most, and least, support to Ukraine? (www.economist.com)
55. 埃隆-馬斯克的反欺詐之戰是否只是為了攫取權力? Is Elon Musk’s war on fraud just cover for a power grab? (www.economist.com)
58. 布萊特通訊:奢華信仰(凱米-巴德諾克版) Blighty newsletter: Luxury beliefs (Kemi Badenoch edition) (www.economist.com)
59. 特朗普與普京達成協議的噩夢令歐洲震驚 The nightmare of a Trump-Putin deal leaves Europe in shock (www.economist.com)
60. 習近平為何要與中國的科技富豪們友好相處? Why Xi Jinping is making nice with China’s tech billionaires (www.economist.com)
65. 不僅僅是人工智能。中國的藥品也在給世界帶來驚喜 It’s not just AI. China’s medicines are surprising the world, too (www.economist.com)
68. 到目前為止,大規模遞解出境的言論多於現實 So far, mass deportation has been more rhetoric than reality (www.economist.com)
69. 制衡》通訊:唐納德-特朗普的挑三揀四聯邦制 Checks and Balance newsletter: Donald Trump’s pick-and-choose federalism (www.economist.com)
70. 愛麗絲-魏德爾,德國最受誹謗、最有權勢的女政治家 Alice Weidel, Germany’s most vilified—and powerful—female politician (www.economist.com)
72. 禁止在學校使用智能手機能改善心理健康嗎? Do bans on smartphones in schools improve mental health? (www.economist.com)
76. 與西方的緊張關係加劇了中國對糧食供應的擔憂 Tensions with the West are fuelling China’s anxiety about food supplies (www.economist.com)
79. 東南亞生產商受到中國進口產品的衝擊 South-East Asian producers are being hammered by Chinese imports (www.economist.com)
82. 霍姆斯的問題顯示了敘利亞領導人面臨的挑戰 Homs’s troubles show the challenges facing Syria’s leaders (www.economist.com)
84. 對唐納德-特朗普來說,南非是一個國家形式的 DEI For Donald Trump, South Africa is DEI in the form of a country (www.economist.com)
85. 哈維爾-米萊伊的自由改革損害了耶巴馬黛茶種植者的利益 Javier Milei’s liberal reforms are hurting yerba mate growers (www.economist.com)
86. 大多數拉丁美洲移民不再前往美國 Most Latin American migrants no longer go to the United States (www.economist.com)
93. 羅伯特-菲佐對俄羅斯廉價天然氣的呼籲讓斯洛伐克人走上街頭 Robert Fico’s pleas for cheap Russian gas bring Slovaks onto the street (www.economist.com)
95. 英國的企業孵化器通常都是面向灣區的 A British incubator of businesses often bound for the Bay Area (www.economist.com)
102. 露西-萊特比案顯示了系統性失誤和全國性弊病 The Lucy Letby case shows systemic failure and a national malaise (www.economist.com)
107. 倫敦的老齡化速度是英格蘭其他地區的兩倍 London is ageing twice as quickly as the rest of England (www.economist.com)
109. 廉價太陽能讓電網陷入死亡漩渦 Cheap solar power is sending electrical grids into a death spiral (www.economist.com)
116. 唐納德-特朗普和埃隆-馬斯克會破壞還是改革五角大樓? Will Donald Trump and Elon Musk wreck or reform the Pentagon? (www.economist.com)
119. 唐納德-特朗普就烏克蘭問題與普京展開 "即時 "會談 Donald Trump starts “immediate” talks with Vladimir Putin on Ukraine (www.economist.com)
120. 繼 DeepSeek 之後,美國和歐盟在人工智能方面又犯了錯誤 After DeepSeek, America and the EU are getting AI wrong (www.economist.com)
123. 哪些商品最容易受到美國對華關稅的影響? Which goods are most vulnerable to American tariffs on China? (www.economist.com)
126. 中微子望遠鏡發現大災難的跡象 A neutrino telescope spots the signs of something cataclysmic (www.economist.com)
129. 烏克蘭總統擔心唐納德-特朗普將他排除在外 Ukraine’s president fears Donald Trump is keeping him out of the loop (www.economist.com)
131. 忘掉 DeepSeek吧。大型語言模型越來越便宜 Forget DeepSeek. Large language models are getting cheaper still (www.economist.com)
132. 埃隆-馬斯克 970 億美元的報價是山姆-奧特曼的 OpenAI 公司的困擾 Elon Musk’s 97bn offer is a nuisance for Sam Altman’s OpenAI (www.economist.com)
137. 唐納德-特朗普的超級碗關稅是一種自殘行為 Donald Trump’s Super Bowl tariffs are an act of self-harm (www.economist.com)
138. 露西-萊特比的定罪似乎越來越不安全了 It increasingly looks as if Lucy Letby’s conviction was unsafe (www.economist.com)
139. 弗里德里希-梅爾茨警告說,德國的 "商業模式已不復存在 Germany’s “business model is gone”, warns Friedrich Merz (www.economist.com)
140. 禽流感在美國是一個政治問題,也是一個健康威脅 Avian flu in America is a political problem and a health threat (www.economist.com)
141. 高成本和繁文縟節令德國企業窒息 German business is being suffocated by high costs and red tape (www.economist.com)
142. 中國讓世界反對臺灣的驚人新運動 China’s stunning new campaign to turn the world against Taiwan (www.economist.com)
143. 埃隆-馬斯克對美國的支付系統有何企圖? What is Elon Musk getting up to with America’s payment system? (www.economist.com)
144. 制衡》通訊:唐納德-特朗普的陰謀正在讓美國付出代價 Checks and Balance newsletter: Donald Trump’s scheming is costing America (www.economist.com)
145. 危地馬拉正在與一個環球旅行的猶太 "邪教 "作鬥爭 Guatemala is grappling with a globetrotting Jewish “cult” (www.economist.com)
146. 世界上最適合步行的城市能給其他地方帶來什麼啟示? What can the world’s most walkable cities teach other places? (www.economist.com)
150. 美國援助的削減正在削弱促進中國權利的團體 Cuts in American aid are crippling groups promoting rights in China (www.economist.com)
152. 唐納德-特朗普和日本石破茂是一對奇特的夫婦 Donald Trump and Japan’s Ishiba Shigeru make for an odd couple (www.economist.com)
155. 印度拯救老虎的努力取得了巨大成功 India’s attempt to save the tiger has been a remarkable success (www.economist.com)
157. 阿拉伯世界的伊斯蘭主義者為何使用自由市場的語言 Why Islamists in the Arab world speak the language of free markets (www.economist.com)
158. 厄瓜多爾在謀殺、停電和停滯中選出領導人 Ecuador chooses a leader amid murder, blackouts and stagnation (www.economist.com)
163. 歐洲有能力成為世界上最後一個自由貿易國家嗎? Can Europe afford to be the world’s last free-trader? (www.economist.com)
166. 當一切都清晰可見時,在烏克蘭作戰的額外危險 The added dangers of fighting in Ukraine when everything is visible (www.economist.com)
167. 英國的 "平等價值 "訴訟已成為對市場的荒謬否定 British “equal value” lawsuits have become an absurd denial of markets (www.economist.com)
168. 英國的學校檢查改革計劃無人滿意 Britain’s plan to shake up school inspections pleases no one (www.economist.com)
172. 唐納德-特朗普喜歡大石油公司。大石油公司也愛他嗎? Donald Trump loves big oil. Does big oil love him back? (www.economist.com)
175. 工黨如何解除英國最具創新性地區的束縛 How Labour can unshackle Britain’s most innovative region (www.economist.com)
185. 關稅的不確定性與關稅本身一樣具有破壞性 Tariff uncertainty can be as ruinous as tariffs themselves (www.economist.com)
186. 網絡詐騙可能已成為與非法毒品一樣大的禍害 Online scams may already be as big a scourge as illegal drugs (www.economist.com)
188. 事情還沒完:唐納德-特朗普仍可能破壞全球貿易 It’s not over: Donald Trump could still blow up global trade (www.economist.com)
189. 龐大、複雜、快速增長的全球企業,即 Scam Inc The vast, sophisticated and fast-growing global enterprise that is Scam Inc (www.economist.com)
194. 洛杉磯大火後的清理工作已經暴露出緊張局勢 The clean-up after the LA fires is already revealing tensions (www.economist.com)
197. 加密貨幣正在催生新一代私家偵探 Cryptocurrencies are spawning a new generation of private eyes (www.economist.com)
200. 工黨政府對信使的選擇反映了其謹慎態度 The Labour government’s choice of messengers reflects its caution (www.economist.com)
202. 小肯尼迪和圖爾西-加巴德,將在膽怯的參議院中揚帆起航 RFK junior and Tulsi Gabbard, set to sail through a cowed Senate (www.economist.com)
203. 任天堂的新遊戲機能否將其推向更高的高度? Can Nintendo’s new console propel it to even greater heights? (www.economist.com)
208. 特朗普關稅風波給加拿大自由黨帶來一線生機 The Trump tariff saga offers Canada’s Liberals a lifeline (www.economist.com)
209. 內塔尼亞胡即將發現唐納德-特朗普是敵是友 Binyamin Netanyahu is about to discover if Donald Trump is friend or foe (www.economist.com)
210. 埃隆-馬斯克正在像撕碎推特一樣撕碎美國政府 Elon Musk is shredding America’s government like he did Twitter (www.economist.com)
212. 英國議會的演講越來越短,越來越糟糕 Speeches in Britain’s Parliament are getting shorter—and worse (www.economist.com)
218. 唐納德-特朗普對中國的新貿易戰也是一場鴉片戰爭 Donald Trump’s new trade war on China is also an opioid war (www.economist.com)
220. 特朗普徵收的野蠻關稅遠遠超過他以前徵收的任何關稅 Trump’s brutal tariffs far outstrip any he has imposed before (www.economist.com)
222. 制衡》通訊:20 世紀 70 年代電視對美國的啟示 Checks and Balance newsletter: What 1970s television reveals about America (www.economist.com)
227. 領養率下降,國際代孕需求激增 As adoptions collapse, demand for international surrogacy is soaring (www.economist.com)
232. 誰是韓國可能的下一任總統李在明? Who is Lee Jae-myung, South Korea’s possible next president? (www.economist.com)
234. 戈馬的陷落預示著剛果東部將發生更多流血事件 The fall of Goma heralds more bloodshed in eastern Congo (www.economist.com)
235. 巴西拮据的財政狀況阻礙了其綠色雄心 Brazil’s ragged finances are holding back its green ambitions (www.economist.com)
236. 武裝團體在哥倫比亞與委內瑞拉邊境製造恐怖事件 Armed groups are terrorising Colombia’s border with Venezuela (www.economist.com)
239. 解釋 2020 年美國謀殺案激增的另一種理論 An alternative theory to explain America’s murder spike in 2020 (www.economist.com)
240. 唐納德-特朗普重提類似《星球大戰》的導彈防禦系統構想 Donald Trump revives ideas of a Star Wars-like missile shield (www.economist.com)
241. 認識歐洲的高盧主義者、大西洋主義者、否認主義者和普京主義者 Meet Europe’s Gaullists, Atlanticists, denialists and Putinists (www.economist.com)
242. 歐盟擔心向競爭對手和敵人出口敏感產品 The EU is worried about sensitive exports to competitors and foes (www.economist.com)
251. 從嬰兒床到嬰兒揹帶,高端嬰兒用品大行其道 From cribs to carriers, high-end baby products are in vogue (www.economist.com)
252. 足球俱樂部賺的錢比以往任何時候都多。球員則不然 Football clubs are making more money than ever. Players not so much (www.economist.com)
253. 美國對墨西哥和加拿大汽車徵收關稅,無人受益 No one gains from American tariffs on cars from Mexico and Canada (www.economist.com)
257. 儘管人們擔心會爆發全球稅戰,但唐納德-特朗普仍有機會實現和平 Despite fears of a global tax war, Donald Trump has a chance to make peace (www.economist.com)
261. 為什麼您的投資組合沒有您想象的那麼多樣化? Why your portfolio is less diversified than you might think (www.economist.com)
266. 許多政府都在談論減少監管,但很少有政府能做到 Many governments talk about cutting regulation but few manage to (www.economist.com)
267. 世界各地正在掀起一場反紅頭文件的革命 Around the world, an anti-red-tape revolution is taking hold (www.economist.com)
268. 通過切斷對外國人的援助,美國傷害了自己 By cutting off assistance to foreigners, America hurts itself (www.economist.com)
274. DeepSeek 對北京和硅谷都構成了挑戰 DeepSeek poses a challenge to Beijing as much as to Silicon Valley (www.economist.com)
275. 支持希思羅機場擴建表明工黨對促進經濟增長是認真的 Backing Heathrow expansion suggests Labour is serious about boosting growth (www.economist.com)
276. 亞馬遜河流域曾經盛行過成熟的文明 A sophisticated civilisation once flourished in the Amazon basin (www.economist.com)
277. 可遺傳農業公司(Heritable Agriculture)是谷歌的一家衍生公司,它將人工智能引入作物育種領域。 Heritable Agriculture, a Google spinout, is bringing AI to crop breeding (www.economist.com)
285. 伊朗令人震驚的核衝刺即將考驗唐納德-特朗普 Iran’s alarming nuclear dash will soon test Donald Trump (www.economist.com)
286. 美國和中國正在對話。但很多東西在翻譯中丟失了 America and China are talking. But much gets lost in translation (www.economist.com)
287. 英國通訊:為什麼特朗普的關稅可能使英國倖免於難? Blighty newsletter: Why Trump’s tariffs might spare Britain (www.economist.com)
291. 敘利亞新統治者表示渴望收編外國戰鬥人員 Syria’s new rulers say they are keen to integrate foreign fighters (www.economist.com)
295. 在談論停火的同時,烏克蘭前線正在崩潰 Amid talk of a ceasefire, Ukraine’s front line is crumbling (www.economist.com)
296. 賦予總統更大權力的爭議性想法 A controversial idea to hand even more power to the president (www.economist.com)
298. 弗朗索瓦-奧朗德希望讓法國左翼再次當選 François Hollande hopes to make the French left electable again (www.economist.com)
299. 制衡》通訊:特朗普重拾麥金利的帝國遺產 Checks and Balance newsletter: Trump revives McKinley’s imperial legacy (www.economist.com)