5. 世界對特朗普、烏克蘭和中國霸權的看法 What the world thinks of Trump, Ukraine and Chinese supremacy (www.economist.com)
7. 在 "Ways of Seeing "和 "G. "50 週年之際 On the 50th anniversary of “Ways of Seeing” and “G.” (www.economist.com)
8. 烏克蘭戰場醫院中的地獄、恐怖和英雄主義 Hell, horror and heroism in Ukraine’s battlefield hospitals (www.economist.com)
9. 備受關注的愛荷華州民調顯示哈里斯將取得壓倒性優勢 A much-watched poll from Iowa points to a Harris landslide (www.economist.com)
11. 保守黨新領袖凱米-巴德諾克(Kemi Badenoch)計劃向 "一團糟 "開戰 Kemi Badenoch, the Tories’ new leader, plans war on the “blob” (www.economist.com)
13. 制衡》通訊:米歇爾-奧巴馬強調生殖權利和婦女在美國的作用 Checks and Balance newsletter: Michelle Obama spotlights reproductive rights and women’s role in America (www.economist.com)
14. 丹-奧斯本(Dan Osborn)表明,民主黨的一些理念可以超越黨派 Dan Osborn shows some Democratic ideas can outperform the party (www.economist.com)
15. 特朗普競選團隊為何斥巨資投放跨性別問題廣告 Why the Trump campaign is spending heavily on ads on trans issues (www.economist.com)
22. 共和黨人為何未能廢除教育部 Why Republicans have failed to scrap the Department of Education (www.economist.com)
23. 驚聲尖叫》系列再添一部自說自話的續集 The “Scream” franchise adds another self-referential sequel (www.economist.com)
24. 好萊塢外國記者協會贖罪 The Hollywood Foreign Press Association does penance for its sins (www.economist.com)
29. 朝鮮援助俄羅斯在中國引發棘手問題 North Korea’s aid to Russia raises difficult questions in China (www.economist.com)
30. 是的,先生:印尼內閣的奇異入閣儀式 Yes sir: a bizarre initiation ritual for Indonesia’s cabinet (www.economist.com)
35. 賈斯汀-特魯多為寒冷黑暗的北極地區的太陽能電池板買單 Justin Trudeau is paying for solar panels in the cold, dark Arctic (www.economist.com)
36. 這場運動也展示了美國的民主活力 This campaign is also demonstrating America’s democratic vitality (www.economist.com)
39. 埃馬紐埃爾-馬克龍外交魅力的力量與侷限 The power and limits of Emmanuel Macron’s diplomatic charm (www.economist.com)
41. 土耳其可能很快與庫爾德人達成歷史性和平協議 Turkey could soon strike a historic peace deal with the Kurds (www.economist.com)
48. 大眾汽車的困境說明德國正在逐步走向非工業化 Volkswagen’s woes illustrate Germany’s creeping deindustrialisation (www.economist.com)
54. 格陵蘭面臨歷史上最嚴重的資源掠奪和詛咒之一 Greenland faces one of history’s great resource rushes—and curses (www.economist.com)
55. 愛爾蘭政府有一個不尋常的問題:錢太多了 Ireland’s government has an unusual problem: too much money (www.economist.com)
60. 指數基金希望繼續被視為 "被動 "投資者 Index funds want to continue being treated as “passive” investors (www.economist.com)
65. 英國預算集龐大數字和狹隘視野於一身 The British budget combines large numbers and a narrow vision (www.economist.com)
71. 研究人員質疑是否應將多動症視為一種疾病 Researchers are questioning if ADHD should be seen as a disorder (www.economist.com)
78. 內布拉斯加州的機械師能否決定參議院的控制權? Could a mechanic in Nebraska determine control of the Senate? (www.economist.com)
85. 任何觀眾都很難將目光從西德尼-波蒂埃身上移開 It was hard for any viewer to look away from Sidney Poitier (www.economist.com)
86. Jessamine Chan 的首部小說扣人心絃,揭示了現代父母的育兒之道 Jessamine Chan’s gripping debut novel sends up modern parenting (www.economist.com)
87. 在日本,藝術節大膽地將藝術帶入鄉村 In Japan, festivals are boldly taking art into the countryside (www.economist.com)
90. 戰爭不是一些穆斯林拋棄民主黨人的唯一原因 War is not the only reason some Muslims are ditching Democrats (www.economist.com)
91. 飽受羞辱的伊朗會選擇核彈還是愛情炸彈? Will a humiliated Iran choose a nuclear bomb or a love bomb? (www.economist.com)
94. 認識英國最有影響力、最不為人所知的人之一 Meet one of Britain’s most influential, least understood people (www.economist.com)
95. 唐納德-特朗普重返紐約,進行狂轟濫炸的閉幕演講 Donald Trump returns to New York for a bombastic closing pitch (www.economist.com)
96. 選民對日本執政聯盟提出歷史性抨擊 Voters deliver a historic rebuke to Japan’s ruling coalition (www.economist.com)
98. 這些數據暗示白人醫生中存在種族主義。隨後,學者們再次進行了研究 The data hinted at racism among white doctors. Then scholars looked again (www.economist.com)
102. 格魯吉亞緊張選舉後普京又一張多米諾骨牌倒下 Another domino falls to Vladimir Putin after Georgia’s tense election (www.economist.com)
103. 蘇西-懷爾斯,為唐納德-特朗普競選活動提供支持的不起眼的特工 Susie Wiles, the unassuming operative powering Donald Trump’s campaign (www.economist.com)
105. 以色列對伊朗的有限導彈襲擊可能是更廣泛攻擊的開始 Israel’s limited missile strike on Iran may be the start of a wider assault (www.economist.com)
109. 法土拉-古倫試圖以最微妙的方式改造土耳其 Fethullah Gulen tried to transform Turkey in the subtlest ways (www.economist.com)
112. 日本對人工智能的開放程度非常高,但在利用人工智能方面卻進展緩慢 Japan is remarkably open to AI, but slow to make use of it (www.economist.com)
115. 黃金正在蓬勃發展。挖掘黃金的骯髒行業也是如此 Gold is booming. So is the dirty business of digging it up (www.economist.com)
121. 西方數百萬人希望強制投票。他們的想法對嗎? Millions in the West want mandatory voting. Are they right? (www.economist.com)
126. 誰是安吉拉?默克爾的遺產看起來越來越可怕 Angela who? Merkel’s legacy looks increasingly terrible (www.economist.com)
129. 蘇格蘭未能建造房屋的主要原因在於其政府 Scotland’s failure to build homes is mainly due to its government (www.economist.com)
132. 谷歌或華為能否阻擋蘋果向 4 萬億美元邁進? Can Google or Huawei stymie Apple’s march towards $4trn? (www.economist.com)
142. 東南亞呆板的企業集團阻礙了它的發展 South-East Asia’s stodgy conglomerates are holding it back (www.economist.com)
143. 納倫德拉-莫迪與習近平會晤並解決邊界爭端 Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping meet and resolve a border row (www.economist.com)
144. 像 Ozempic 這樣的 GLP-1 藥物是有史以來最重要的藥物突破之一 GLP-1s like Ozempic are among the most important drug breakthroughs ever (www.economist.com)
145. 競爭將使減肥藥更好、更便宜、更大容量 Competition will make weight-loss drugs better, cheaper and bigger (www.economist.com)
150. 不僅僅是肥胖。Ozempic 等藥物將改變世界 It’s not just obesity. Drugs like Ozempic will change the world (www.economist.com)
151. 黃金暴漲預示著美元的威力不容樂觀 The blistering rally in gold augurs ill for the power of the dollar (www.economist.com)
152. 模糊還是瘋狂?哈里斯和特朗普在中國問題上的立場 Ambiguity or madness? Where Harris and Trump stand on China (www.economist.com)
153. 老闆堅持要求工人返回辦公室的做法對嗎? Are bosses right to insist that workers return to the office? (www.economist.com)
159. 研究古代 DNA 有助於解決現代犯罪問題 The study of ancient DNA is helping to solve modern crimes (www.economist.com)
163. 朝鮮派出數千名士兵幫助弗拉基米爾-普京 North Korea is sending thousands of soldiers to help Vladimir Putin (www.economist.com)
166. 我們的 "放腳指數":對畢業生最具吸引力的國家 Our footloose index: the most attractive countries for graduates (www.economist.com)
167. 古巴停電凸顯該島國能源的極端脆弱性 Blackouts in Cuba highlight the island’s extreme energy fragility (www.economist.com)
170. 美國大選和以色列戰爭一起達到高潮 America’s election and Israel’s wars reach a crescendo—together (www.economist.com)
171. 真主黨龐大的金融帝國看起來新近變得脆弱不堪 Hizbullah’s sprawling financial empire looks newly vulnerable (www.economist.com)
172. Perovskite 晶體可能代表太陽能的未來 Perovskite crystals may represent the future of solar power (www.economist.com)
174. 為什麼唐納德-特朗普在我們的選舉預測中遙遙領先? Why Donald Trump has moved ahead in our election forecast (www.economist.com)
175. 英國播客 "The Rest Is Politics "大受歡迎的原因 Why “The Rest Is Politics”, a British podcast, is a hit (www.economist.com)
179. 制衡》通訊:特朗普與哈里斯在電動車問題上的對決 Checks and Balance newsletter: Trump and Harris’s duel over EVs (www.economist.com)
180. 葉海亞-辛瓦爾將在死後掌控哈馬斯 Yahya Sinwar will hold sway over Hamas from beyond the grave (www.economist.com)
181. 摩爾多瓦總統馬亞-桑杜敢於對抗俄羅斯 Maia Sandu, Moldova’s president, dares to stand up to Russia (www.economist.com)
187. 火箭很有趣,但衛星才是 SpaceX 的價值所在 The rockets are nifty, but it is satellites that make SpaceX valuable (www.economist.com)
189. 業餘投資者是否後悔跳入中國狂熱的股市? Do amateurs regret jumping into China’s frenzied stockmarkets? (www.economist.com)
191. 緬甸軍政府建立了一套瘋狂的貨幣體系 Myanmar’s military junta has conjured up a crazy currency system (www.economist.com)
194. 黎巴嫩軍隊並不像它的名聲那樣一無是處 Lebanon’s army is less useless than its reputation suggests (www.economist.com)
197. 唐納德-特朗普和埃隆-馬斯克的一大共同點 One big thing Donald Trump and Elon Musk have in common (www.economist.com)
198. 布蘭登-約翰遜為芝加哥教師工會提供了一切 Brandon Johnson is giving Chicago’s teachers’ union everything (www.economist.com)
200. 選民不會為經濟狀況感謝卡馬拉-哈里斯 Voters won’t thank Kamala Harris for the state of the economy (www.economist.com)
201. 共和黨人加大力度爭取賓夕法尼亞州的阿米什選民 Republicans ramp up efforts to court Amish voters in Pennsylvania (www.economist.com)
202. 民主黨努力限制佐治亞州黑人選民的流失 Democrats struggle to limit the loss of black voters in Georgia (www.economist.com)
203. 在穆斯林梵蒂岡實現宗教和諧的希望 Hopes for religious harmony come to life in the Muslim Vatican (www.economist.com)
204. 波蘭新的現代藝術博物館希望為首都帶來煥然一新的面貌 Poland’s new modern-art museum wants to give the capital a fresh look (www.economist.com)
206. 這個小國是俄羅斯骯髒伎倆的實驗室 This tiny country is a laboratory for Russia’s dirty tricks (www.economist.com)
210. 如果汽車製造走的是消費電子產品的老路,會怎樣? What if carmaking went the way of consumer electronics? (www.economist.com)
223. 特朗普萬億美元減稅計劃失控 Trump’s trillion-dollar tax cuts are spiralling out of control (www.economist.com)
226. 拜登政府如何搞砸了美國對伊朗的制裁 How the Biden administration botched America’s sanctions against Iran (www.economist.com)
235. 管蟲生活在深海噴口周圍的地殼之下 Tubeworms live beneath the planetary crust around deep-sea vents (www.economist.com)
239. 美國加強以色列導彈防禦系統。它得到了什麼回報? America boosts Israel’s missile shield. What did it get in return? (www.economist.com)
240. 拉里-霍根競選參議員席位的長期賠率為何重要 Why Larry Hogan’s long-odds bid for a Senate seat matters (www.economist.com)
244. 英國通訊:採訪基爾-斯塔默的三點啟示 Blighty newsletter: Three takeaways from an interview with Keir Starmer (www.economist.com)
246. 因研究國家成敗原因而獲得諾貝爾經濟學獎 An economics Nobel for work on why nations succeed and fail (www.economist.com)
248. 就在黎巴嫩境內,以色列士兵爭論該走多遠 Just inside Lebanon, Israeli soldiers debate how far to go (www.economist.com)
256. 更嚴重的不平等是美國為更快增長付出的代價嗎? Is higher inequality the price America pays for faster growth? (www.economist.com)
257. 美國經濟讓其他富裕國家望塵莫及 The American economy has left other rich countries in the dust (www.economist.com)
261. 亞歷克斯-薩爾蒙德從邊緣走向主流,又從主流回歸邊緣 Alex Salmond went from the fringes to the mainstream and back again (www.economist.com)
263. 俄羅斯為何試圖奪取烏克蘭的一個重要煤礦 Why Russia is trying to seize a vital Ukrainian coal mine (www.economist.com)
264. 制衡》通訊:黨派立場在過去 50 年中發生了翻天覆地的變化 Checks and Balance newsletter: Partisan positions have changed drastically over the past 50 years (www.economist.com)
265. 吉姆-拉特克利夫爵士,化工巨頭變身體育大亨 Sir Jim Ratcliffe, chemicals magnate turned sports mogul (www.economist.com)
267. 颶風米爾頓暴露了佛羅里達州開發熱潮的危險性 Hurricane Milton exposes the dangers of Florida’s development boom (www.economist.com)
271. 哈薩克斯坦就核能問題舉行全民公決可能有利於俄羅斯 Kazakhstan’s referendum on nuclear energy could benefit Russia (www.economist.com)
272. 亞洲正在權衡數據中心雄心與可持續發展之間的關係 Asia is weighing data-centre ambitions against sustainability (www.economist.com)
274. 以色列攻擊的威脅正在重振伊朗的民族主義 The threat of an Israeli attack is reviving Iranian nationalism (www.economist.com)
275. 伊朗領導人必須選擇如何與以色列開戰 Iran’s leader must choose how to fight his war with Israel (www.economist.com)
277. 毒梟的副業:走私金剛鸚鵡、美洲虎和青蛙 The drug lords’ side-hustle: smuggling macaws, jaguars and frogs (www.economist.com)
279. 毆打阿根廷第一夫人的事件符合拉丁美洲可恥的模式 The beating of Argentina’s first lady fits a shameful pattern in Latin America (www.economist.com)
281. 降噪技術可減少船隻對海洋生物的干擾 Noise-dampening tech could make ships less disruptive to marine life (www.economist.com)
284. 孫正義重返硅谷--在人工智能競賽中姍姍來遲 Masayoshi Son is back in Silicon Valley—and late to the AI race (www.economist.com)
290. 歐洲人面對特朗普的前景如小鹿亂撞 Europeans are facing the prospect of Trump like a deer caught in headlights (www.economist.com)
300. 美國大選預測:誰將控制眾議院? US election forecast: who will control the House of Representatives? (www.economist.com)