11. 科学家正在建立我们体内每种细胞的目录 Scientists are building a catalogue of every type of cell in our bodies (www.economist.com)
13. 2025 年德国大选追踪:谁在民调中领先? Germany election 2025 tracker: who’s ahead in the polls? (www.economist.com)
14. 我们的巨无霸指数显示了汉堡价格的跨国差异 Our Big Mac index shows how burger prices differ across borders (www.economist.com)
16. 精神航空的困境揭示了美国廉价航空公司的惨淡现状 Spirit’s woes reveal the dismal state of America’s budget airlines (www.economist.com)
26. 乌克兰终于可以在俄罗斯境内使用美国导弹了 Ukraine can, at last, use its American missiles inside Russia (www.economist.com)
29. 霍华德-卢特尼克,唐纳德-特朗普富有弹性的过渡时期负责人 Howard Lutnick, Donald Trump’s resilient transition chief (www.economist.com)
32. 制衡》通讯:读者对特朗普总统任期的希望和担忧 Checks and Balance newsletter: Readers’ hopes and fears for a Trump presidency (www.economist.com)
33. 小罗伯特-肯尼迪对美国健康意味着什么? What would Robert Kennedy junior mean for American health? (www.economist.com)
50. 埃隆-马斯克威胁加深欧美之间的裂痕 Elon Musk threatens to deepen the rift between Europe and America (www.economist.com)
51. 法国老年妇女如何重新定义老年美学 How older French women are redefining the aesthetics of ageing (www.economist.com)
60. 美国最后一个大型工业集团即将解体? Is America’s last big industrial conglomerate about to break up? (www.economist.com)
61. 大型石油公司在气候变化监管问题上的立场可能有所软化 Big oil may be softening its stance on climate-change regulation (www.economist.com)
64. 美国公司希望获得税收红利。它可能会失望 America Inc is hoping for a tax bonanza. It may be disappointed (www.economist.com)
72. 有关气候变化的一切似乎都很严峻。但事实并非如此。 Everything about climate change may seem grim. It isn’t (www.economist.com)
76. 中国、欧洲、墨西哥:特朗普经济学的最大输家 China, Europe, Mexico: the biggest losers from Trumponomics (www.economist.com)
78. 马特-盖茨被提名为总检察长是个不祥之兆 Matt Gaetz’s nomination to be attorney-general is an ill omen (www.economist.com)
80. 被选为国防部长的人想清洗五角大楼 The man picked as defence secretary wants to purge the Pentagon (www.economist.com)
83. 特朗普的人选暗示了他的总统生涯将如何发展 What Trump’s picks suggest about how his presidency will go (www.economist.com)
92. 迈克-华尔兹希望美国关注来自中国的威胁 Mike Waltz wants America to focus on the threat from China (www.economist.com)
104. 海地失去了总理。黑帮不会消失 Haiti has lost its prime minister. Gangs aren’t going anywhere (www.economist.com)
106. 美元走强将震撼世界其他地区 America’s strengthening dollar will rattle the rest of the world (www.economist.com)
110. 中国经济刺激政策收效甚微,与特朗普摊牌迫在眉睫 China’s stimulus falls short, as a showdown with Trump looms (www.economist.com)
116. 中国网民怀疑本国经济是否处于 "垃圾时间" Chinese netizens wonder if their economy is in “garbage time” (www.economist.com)
117. 唐纳德-特朗普的回归是中国的梦想还是噩梦? Is the return of Donald Trump China’s dream or nightmare? (www.economist.com)
121. 普拉博沃-苏比安托会向唐纳德-特朗普还是中国示好? Will Prabowo Subianto cosy up to Donald Trump or to China? (www.economist.com)
125. 金砖国家并不挑剔,但刚刚拒绝了委内瑞拉 BRICS isn’t exactly picky, but has just rejected Venezuela (www.economist.com)
134. 经济不景气使欧盟面临特朗普的发难 A flailing economy has left the EU exposed to Trumpian outbursts (www.economist.com)
143. 尼日利亚北部和南部的生育率差距为何如此重要 Why the fertility gap between north and south Nigeria matters (www.economist.com)
144. 沃洛德梅尔-泽连斯基为何欢迎唐纳德-特朗普获胜 Why Volodymyr Zelensky may welcome Donald Trump’s victory (www.economist.com)
147. 博彩市场对特朗普胜选的判断对错 What betting markets got right and wrong about Trump’s victory (www.economist.com)
152. 唐纳德-特朗普的胜利振聋发聩。他的第二个任期也将如此 Donald Trump’s victory was resounding. His second term will be, too (www.economist.com)
159. 民主党人需要明白:美国人认为他们更糟糕 Democrats need to understand: Americans think they’re worse (www.economist.com)
160. 美国的盟友为边缘政策、交易和背叛做好准备 America’s allies brace for brinkmanship, deals—and betrayal (www.economist.com)
163. 一场关于开源人工智能定义的争论正在激烈展开 A battle is raging over the definition of open-source AI (www.economist.com)
164. 随着健康潮流的兴起,碘缺乏症悄然卷土重来 As wellness trends take off, iodine deficiency makes a quiet comeback (www.economist.com)
168. 特朗普经济学的回归令市场兴奋,但也令世界恐惧 The return of Trumponomics excites markets but frightens the world (www.economist.com)
170. 西语裔男性帮助唐纳德-特朗普重返白宫 Hispanic men helped propel Donald Trump back to the White House (www.economist.com)
172. 唐纳德-特朗普赢得北卡罗来纳州,抢占先机 Winning North Carolina, Donald Trump seizes the early advantage (www.economist.com)
173. 佛罗里达州成为第一个否决堕胎权措施的州 Florida is the first state to reject an abortion-rights measure (www.economist.com)
174. 唐纳德-特朗普可能跑赢民调的三个原因 Three reasons why Donald Trump might outperform the polls (www.economist.com)
175. 英国通讯:英国的特朗普创伤会重演吗? Blighty newsletter: Will Britain’s Trump trauma repeat itself? (www.economist.com)
176. 华为全新中国制造软件挑战苹果和安卓系统 Huawei’s new made-in-China software takes on Apple and Android (www.economist.com)
177. 提高学费对陷入困境的英国大学帮助不大 Higher fees won’t help Britain’s beleaguered universities much (www.economist.com)
179. 卡马拉-哈里斯(Kamala Harris)在我们的最终选举预测中遥遥领先 Kamala Harris moves ahead—just—in our final election forecast (www.economist.com)
182. 您的公司为何难以扩大生成式人工智能的规模? Why your company is struggling to scale up generative AI (www.economist.com)
184. 在某些军事力量领域,中国已超过美国 In some areas of military strength, China has surpassed America (www.economist.com)
189. 世界对特朗普、乌克兰和中国霸权的看法 What the world thinks of Trump, Ukraine and Chinese supremacy (www.economist.com)
191. 在 "Ways of Seeing "和 "G. "50 周年之际 On the 50th anniversary of “Ways of Seeing” and “G.” (www.economist.com)
192. 乌克兰战场医院中的地狱、恐怖和英雄主义 Hell, horror and heroism in Ukraine’s battlefield hospitals (www.economist.com)
193. 备受关注的爱荷华州民调显示哈里斯将取得压倒性优势 A much-watched poll from Iowa points to a Harris landslide (www.economist.com)
195. 保守党新领袖凯米-巴德诺克(Kemi Badenoch)计划向 "一团糟 "开战 Kemi Badenoch, the Tories’ new leader, plans war on the “blob” (www.economist.com)
197. 制衡》通讯:米歇尔-奥巴马强调生殖权利和妇女在美国的作用 Checks and Balance newsletter: Michelle Obama spotlights reproductive rights and women’s role in America (www.economist.com)
198. 丹-奥斯本(Dan Osborn)表明,民主党的一些理念可以超越党派 Dan Osborn shows some Democratic ideas can outperform the party (www.economist.com)
199. 特朗普竞选团队为何斥巨资投放跨性别问题广告 Why the Trump campaign is spending heavily on ads on trans issues (www.economist.com)
206. 共和党人为何未能废除教育部 Why Republicans have failed to scrap the Department of Education (www.economist.com)
207. 惊声尖叫》系列再添一部自说自话的续集 The “Scream” franchise adds another self-referential sequel (www.economist.com)
208. 好莱坞外国记者协会赎罪 The Hollywood Foreign Press Association does penance for its sins (www.economist.com)
213. 朝鲜援助俄罗斯在中国引发棘手问题 North Korea’s aid to Russia raises difficult questions in China (www.economist.com)
214. 是的,先生:印尼内阁的奇异入阁仪式 Yes sir: a bizarre initiation ritual for Indonesia’s cabinet (www.economist.com)
219. 贾斯汀-特鲁多为寒冷黑暗的北极地区的太阳能电池板买单 Justin Trudeau is paying for solar panels in the cold, dark Arctic (www.economist.com)
220. 这场运动也展示了美国的民主活力 This campaign is also demonstrating America’s democratic vitality (www.economist.com)
223. 埃马纽埃尔-马克龙外交魅力的力量与局限 The power and limits of Emmanuel Macron’s diplomatic charm (www.economist.com)
225. 土耳其可能很快与库尔德人达成历史性和平协议 Turkey could soon strike a historic peace deal with the Kurds (www.economist.com)
232. 大众汽车的困境说明德国正在逐步走向非工业化 Volkswagen’s woes illustrate Germany’s creeping deindustrialisation (www.economist.com)
238. 格陵兰面临历史上最严重的资源掠夺和诅咒之一 Greenland faces one of history’s great resource rushes—and curses (www.economist.com)
239. 爱尔兰政府有一个不寻常的问题:钱太多了 Ireland’s government has an unusual problem: too much money (www.economist.com)
244. 指数基金希望继续被视为 "被动 "投资者 Index funds want to continue being treated as “passive” investors (www.economist.com)
249. 英国预算集庞大数字和狭隘视野于一身 The British budget combines large numbers and a narrow vision (www.economist.com)
255. 研究人员质疑是否应将多动症视为一种疾病 Researchers are questioning if ADHD should be seen as a disorder (www.economist.com)
262. 内布拉斯加州的机械师能否决定参议院的控制权? Could a mechanic in Nebraska determine control of the Senate? (www.economist.com)
269. 任何观众都很难将目光从西德尼-波蒂埃身上移开 It was hard for any viewer to look away from Sidney Poitier (www.economist.com)
270. Jessamine Chan 的首部小说扣人心弦,揭示了现代父母的育儿之道 Jessamine Chan’s gripping debut novel sends up modern parenting (www.economist.com)
271. 在日本,艺术节大胆地将艺术带入乡村 In Japan, festivals are boldly taking art into the countryside (www.economist.com)
273. "余波 "是对 1945 年后德国的深入研究 “Aftermath” is a piercing study of Germany after 1945 (www.economist.com)
274. 战争不是一些穆斯林抛弃民主党人的唯一原因 War is not the only reason some Muslims are ditching Democrats (www.economist.com)
275. 饱受羞辱的伊朗会选择核弹还是爱情炸弹? Will a humiliated Iran choose a nuclear bomb or a love bomb? (www.economist.com)
278. 认识英国最有影响力、最不为人所知的人之一 Meet one of Britain’s most influential, least understood people (www.economist.com)
279. 唐纳德-特朗普重返纽约,进行狂轰滥炸的闭幕演讲 Donald Trump returns to New York for a bombastic closing pitch (www.economist.com)
280. 选民对日本执政联盟提出历史性抨击 Voters deliver a historic rebuke to Japan’s ruling coalition (www.economist.com)
282. 这些数据暗示白人医生中存在种族主义。随后,学者们再次进行了研究 The data hinted at racism among white doctors. Then scholars looked again (www.economist.com)
286. 格鲁吉亚紧张选举后普京又一张多米诺骨牌倒下 Another domino falls to Vladimir Putin after Georgia’s tense election (www.economist.com)
287. 苏西-怀尔斯,为唐纳德-特朗普竞选活动提供支持的不起眼的特工 Susie Wiles, the unassuming operative powering Donald Trump’s campaign (www.economist.com)
289. 以色列对伊朗的有限导弹袭击可能是更广泛攻击的开始 Israel’s limited missile strike on Iran may be the start of a wider assault (www.economist.com)
293. 法土拉-古伦试图以最微妙的方式改造土耳其 Fethullah Gulen tried to transform Turkey in the subtlest ways (www.economist.com)
296. 日本对人工智能的开放程度非常高,但在利用人工智能方面却进展缓慢 Japan is remarkably open to AI, but slow to make use of it (www.economist.com)
299. 黄金正在蓬勃发展。挖掘黄金的肮脏行业也是如此 Gold is booming. So is the dirty business of digging it up (www.economist.com)