4. 摩尔多瓦亲欧盟总统似乎赢得连任 11-04 Moldova’s pro-EU president appears to have won re-election (www.economist.com)
5. 世界对特朗普、乌克兰和中国霸权的看法 11-04 What the world thinks of Trump, Ukraine and Chinese supremacy (www.economist.com)
7. 在 "Ways of Seeing "和 "G. "50 周年之际 22-01-14 On the 50th anniversary of “Ways of Seeing” and “G.” (www.economist.com)
8. 乌克兰战场医院中的地狱、恐怖和英雄主义 11-04 Hell, horror and heroism in Ukraine’s battlefield hospitals (www.economist.com)
9. 备受关注的爱荷华州民调显示哈里斯将取得压倒性优势 11-03 A much-watched poll from Iowa points to a Harris landslide (www.economist.com)
11. 保守党新领袖凯米-巴德诺克(Kemi Badenoch)计划向 "一团糟 "开战 11-03 Kemi Badenoch, the Tories’ new leader, plans war on the “blob” (www.economist.com)
13. 制衡》通讯:米歇尔-奥巴马强调生殖权利和妇女在美国的作用 11-02 Checks and Balance newsletter: Michelle Obama spotlights reproductive rights and women’s role in America (www.economist.com)
14. 丹-奥斯本(Dan Osborn)表明,民主党的一些理念可以超越党派 11-02 Dan Osborn shows some Democratic ideas can outperform the party (www.economist.com)
15. 特朗普竞选团队为何斥巨资投放跨性别问题广告 11-02 Why the Trump campaign is spending heavily on ads on trans issues (www.economist.com)
16. 摇摆选民会在美国大选中倾向于哪一方? 11-02 Which way will swing voters lean in America’s election? (www.economist.com)
22. 共和党人为何未能废除教育部 11-01 Why Republicans have failed to scrap the Department of Education (www.economist.com)
23. 惊声尖叫》系列再添一部自说自话的续集 22-01-17 The “Scream” franchise adds another self-referential sequel (www.economist.com)
24. 好莱坞外国记者协会赎罪 22-01-10 The Hollywood Foreign Press Association does penance for its sins (www.economist.com)
29. 朝鲜援助俄罗斯在中国引发棘手问题 10-31 North Korea’s aid to Russia raises difficult questions in China (www.economist.com)
30. 是的,先生:印尼内阁的奇异入阁仪式 10-31 Yes sir: a bizarre initiation ritual for Indonesia’s cabinet (www.economist.com)
32. 澳大利亚试图在巴布亚新几内亚围堵中国 10-31 Australia is trying to ruck China in Papua New Guinea (www.economist.com)
35. 贾斯汀-特鲁多为寒冷黑暗的北极地区的太阳能电池板买单 10-31 Justin Trudeau is paying for solar panels in the cold, dark Arctic (www.economist.com)
36. 这场运动也展示了美国的民主活力 10-31 This campaign is also demonstrating America’s democratic vitality (www.economist.com)
37. 为赢得华盛顿最不守规矩的机构而战 10-31 The fight to win the most unruly institution in Washington (www.economist.com)
39. 埃马纽埃尔-马克龙外交魅力的力量与局限 10-31 The power and limits of Emmanuel Macron’s diplomatic charm (www.economist.com)
41. 土耳其可能很快与库尔德人达成历史性和平协议 10-31 Turkey could soon strike a historic peace deal with the Kurds (www.economist.com)
44. 除了 Nvidia,还有谁能靠芯片赚大钱吗? 10-31 Can anyone besides Nvidia make big bucks from chips? (www.economist.com)
48. 大众汽车的困境说明德国正在逐步走向非工业化 10-31 Volkswagen’s woes illustrate Germany’s creeping deindustrialisation (www.economist.com)
54. 格陵兰面临历史上最严重的资源掠夺和诅咒之一 10-31 Greenland faces one of history’s great resource rushes—and curses (www.economist.com)
55. 爱尔兰政府有一个不寻常的问题:钱太多了 10-31 Ireland’s government has an unusual problem: too much money (www.economist.com)
60. 指数基金希望继续被视为 "被动 "投资者 10-31 Index funds want to continue being treated as “passive” investors (www.economist.com)
65. 英国预算集庞大数字和狭隘视野于一身 10-31 The British budget combines large numbers and a narrow vision (www.economist.com)
67. 在德克萨斯州或佛罗里达州爆冷的几率有多大? 10-31 What are the odds of an upset in Texas or Florida? (www.economist.com)
68. 债券义警会不会来找美国的下一任总统? 10-31 Will bond vigilantes come for America’s next president? (www.economist.com)
70. 莉莉-伊伯特生前分享了她在奥斯威辛集中营的故事 10-31 Lily Ebert lived to share her story of Auschwitz (www.economist.com)
71. 研究人员质疑是否应将多动症视为一种疾病 10-31 Researchers are questioning if ADHD should be seen as a disorder (www.economist.com)
73. 飞艇最终可能被证明有助于货物运输 10-31 Airships may finally prove useful for transporting cargo (www.economist.com)
75. 如果唐纳德-特朗普获胜,墨西哥将面临三重麻烦 10-31 Triple trouble awaits Mexico if Donald Trump wins (www.economist.com)
78. 内布拉斯加州的机械师能否决定参议院的控制权? 10-30 Could a mechanic in Nebraska determine control of the Senate? (www.economist.com)
79. 中国为何要把火箭筒留给唐纳德-特朗普? 10-30 Why China may be saving its bazooka for Donald Trump (www.economist.com)
82. 特朗普或哈里斯如何赢得大选的指南 10-30 Our guide to how Trump or Harris might win the election (www.economist.com)
84. 英国的出生率已经崩溃。有可能恢复 10-29 Britain’s birth rate has crashed. It is likely to recover (www.economist.com)
85. 任何观众都很难将目光从西德尼-波蒂埃身上移开 22-01-15 It was hard for any viewer to look away from Sidney Poitier (www.economist.com)
86. Jessamine Chan 的首部小说扣人心弦,揭示了现代父母的育儿之道 22-01-15 Jessamine Chan’s gripping debut novel sends up modern parenting (www.economist.com)
87. 在日本,艺术节大胆地将艺术带入乡村 22-01-15 In Japan, festivals are boldly taking art into the countryside (www.economist.com)
88. 乌克兰现在是在为生存而奋斗,而不是为胜利而奋斗 10-29 Ukraine is now struggling to survive, not to win (www.economist.com)
89. "余波 "是对 1945 年后德国的深入研究 22-01-13 “Aftermath” is a piercing study of Germany after 1945 (www.economist.com)
90. 战争不是一些穆斯林抛弃民主党人的唯一原因 10-29 War is not the only reason some Muslims are ditching Democrats (www.economist.com)
91. 饱受羞辱的伊朗会选择核弹还是爱情炸弹? 10-29 Will a humiliated Iran choose a nuclear bomb or a love bomb? (www.economist.com)
94. 认识英国最有影响力、最不为人所知的人之一 10-28 Meet one of Britain’s most influential, least understood people (www.economist.com)
95. 唐纳德-特朗普重返纽约,进行狂轰滥炸的闭幕演讲 10-28 Donald Trump returns to New York for a bombastic closing pitch (www.economist.com)
96. 选民对日本执政联盟提出历史性抨击 10-28 Voters deliver a historic rebuke to Japan’s ruling coalition (www.economist.com)
98. 这些数据暗示白人医生中存在种族主义。随后,学者们再次进行了研究 10-28 The data hinted at racism among white doctors. Then scholars looked again (www.economist.com)
101. 美国辉煌的经济应帮助卡马拉-哈里斯 10-27 America’s glorious economy should help Kamala Harris (www.economist.com)
102. 格鲁吉亚紧张选举后普京又一张多米诺骨牌倒下 10-27 Another domino falls to Vladimir Putin after Georgia’s tense election (www.economist.com)
103. 苏西-怀尔斯,为唐纳德-特朗普竞选活动提供支持的不起眼的特工 10-27 Susie Wiles, the unassuming operative powering Donald Trump’s campaign (www.economist.com)
105. 以色列对伊朗的有限导弹袭击可能是更广泛攻击的开始 10-26 Israel’s limited missile strike on Iran may be the start of a wider assault (www.economist.com)
107. 即使没有胁迫,主导语言也可以传播 22-01-15 Dominant languages can spread even without coercion (www.economist.com)
108. 一位内战专家对美国发出警告 22-01-08 An expert on civil war issues a warning about America (www.economist.com)
109. 法土拉-古伦试图以最微妙的方式改造土耳其 10-24 Fethullah Gulen tried to transform Turkey in the subtlest ways (www.economist.com)
112. 日本对人工智能的开放程度非常高,但在利用人工智能方面却进展缓慢 10-24 Japan is remarkably open to AI, but slow to make use of it (www.economist.com)
113. 制造镍是一场噩梦。除非你是印度尼西亚人 10-24 Making nickel is a nightmare. Unless you are Indonesian (www.economist.com)
114. 非洲教会如何在海外保持信仰活力 10-24 How African churches are keeping the faith alive abroad (www.economist.com)
115. 黄金正在蓬勃发展。挖掘黄金的肮脏行业也是如此 10-24 Gold is booming. So is the dirty business of digging it up (www.economist.com)
117. 以色列领导人密切关注美国大选 10-24 Israel’s leaders are watching America’s election closely (www.economist.com)
121. 西方数百万人希望强制投票。他们的想法对吗? 10-24 Millions in the West want mandatory voting. Are they right? (www.economist.com)
125. 海伦飓风会影响北卡罗来纳州的选情吗? 10-24 Will Hurricane Helene tip the vote in North Carolina? (www.economist.com)
126. 谁是安吉拉?默克尔的遗产看起来越来越可怕 10-24 Angela who? Merkel’s legacy looks increasingly terrible (www.economist.com)
129. 苏格兰未能建造房屋的主要原因在于其政府 10-24 Scotland’s failure to build homes is mainly due to its government (www.economist.com)
132. 谷歌或华为能否阻挡苹果向 4 万亿美元迈进? 10-24 Can Google or Huawei stymie Apple’s march towards $4trn? (www.economist.com)
142. 东南亚呆板的企业集团阻碍了它的发展 10-24 South-East Asia’s stodgy conglomerates are holding it back (www.economist.com)
143. 纳伦德拉-莫迪与习近平会晤并解决边界争端 10-24 Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping meet and resolve a border row (www.economist.com)
144. 像 Ozempic 这样的 GLP-1 药物是有史以来最重要的药物突破之一 10-24 GLP-1s like Ozempic are among the most important drug breakthroughs ever (www.economist.com)
145. 竞争将使减肥药更好、更便宜、更大容量 10-24 Competition will make weight-loss drugs better, cheaper and bigger (www.economist.com)
150. 不仅仅是肥胖。Ozempic 等药物将改变世界 10-24 It’s not just obesity. Drugs like Ozempic will change the world (www.economist.com)
151. 黄金暴涨预示着美元的威力不容乐观 10-24 The blistering rally in gold augurs ill for the power of the dollar (www.economist.com)
152. 模糊还是疯狂?哈里斯和特朗普在中国问题上的立场 10-24 Ambiguity or madness? Where Harris and Trump stand on China (www.economist.com)
153. 老板坚持要求工人返回办公室的做法对吗? 10-24 Are bosses right to insist that workers return to the office? (www.economist.com)
159. 研究古代 DNA 有助于解决现代犯罪问题 10-24 The study of ancient DNA is helping to solve modern crimes (www.economist.com)
160. 德国民粹主义巨星要求与俄罗斯和平相处 10-23 Germany’s populist superstar demands peace with Russia (www.economist.com)
163. 朝鲜派出数千名士兵帮助弗拉基米尔-普京 10-23 North Korea is sending thousands of soldiers to help Vladimir Putin (www.economist.com)
166. 我们的 "放脚指数":对毕业生最具吸引力的国家 10-22 Our footloose index: the most attractive countries for graduates (www.economist.com)
167. 古巴停电凸显该岛国能源的极端脆弱性 10-22 Blackouts in Cuba highlight the island’s extreme energy fragility (www.economist.com)
169. 印尼大男子主义的新领导人不是 "可爱的爷爷" 10-22 Indonesia’s macho new leader is no “cuddly grandpa” (www.economist.com)
170. 美国大选和以色列战争一起达到高潮 10-22 America’s election and Israel’s wars reach a crescendo—together (www.economist.com)
171. 真主党庞大的金融帝国看起来新近变得脆弱不堪 10-22 Hizbullah’s sprawling financial empire looks newly vulnerable (www.economist.com)
172. Perovskite 晶体可能代表太阳能的未来 10-22 Perovskite crystals may represent the future of solar power (www.economist.com)
174. 为什么唐纳德-特朗普在我们的选举预测中遥遥领先? 10-22 Why Donald Trump has moved ahead in our election forecast (www.economist.com)
175. 英国播客 "The Rest Is Politics "大受欢迎的原因 10-22 Why “The Rest Is Politics”, a British podcast, is a hit (www.economist.com)
176. 为弗拉基米尔-普京出生入死的外国人 10-21 The foreigners fighting and dying for Vladimir Putin (www.economist.com)
179. 制衡》通讯:特朗普与哈里斯在电动车问题上的对决 10-19 Checks and Balance newsletter: Trump and Harris’s duel over EVs (www.economist.com)
180. 叶海亚-辛瓦尔将在死后掌控哈马斯 10-19 Yahya Sinwar will hold sway over Hamas from beyond the grave (www.economist.com)
181. 摩尔多瓦总统马亚-桑杜敢于对抗俄罗斯 10-19 Maia Sandu, Moldova’s president, dares to stand up to Russia (www.economist.com)
187. 火箭很有趣,但卫星才是 SpaceX 的价值所在 10-17 The rockets are nifty, but it is satellites that make SpaceX valuable (www.economist.com)
189. 业余投资者是否后悔跳入中国狂热的股市? 10-17 Do amateurs regret jumping into China’s frenzied stockmarkets? (www.economist.com)
191. 缅甸军政府建立了一套疯狂的货币体系 10-17 Myanmar’s military junta has conjured up a crazy currency system (www.economist.com)
194. 黎巴嫩军队并不像它的名声那样一无是处 10-17 Lebanon’s army is less useless than its reputation suggests (www.economist.com)
196. 玻利维亚缓慢发展的经济危机正在加速 10-17 Bolivia’s slow-motion economic crisis is accelerating (www.economist.com)
197. 唐纳德-特朗普和埃隆-马斯克的一大共同点 10-17 One big thing Donald Trump and Elon Musk have in common (www.economist.com)
198. 布兰登-约翰逊为芝加哥教师工会提供了一切 10-17 Brandon Johnson is giving Chicago’s teachers’ union everything (www.economist.com)
200. 选民不会为经济状况感谢卡马拉-哈里斯 10-17 Voters won’t thank Kamala Harris for the state of the economy (www.economist.com)
201. 共和党人加大力度争取宾夕法尼亚州的阿米什选民 10-17 Republicans ramp up efforts to court Amish voters in Pennsylvania (www.economist.com)
202. 民主党努力限制佐治亚州黑人选民的流失 10-17 Democrats struggle to limit the loss of black voters in Georgia (www.economist.com)
203. 在穆斯林梵蒂冈实现宗教和谐的希望 10-17 Hopes for religious harmony come to life in the Muslim Vatican (www.economist.com)
204. 波兰新的现代艺术博物馆希望为首都带来焕然一新的面貌 10-17 Poland’s new modern-art museum wants to give the capital a fresh look (www.economist.com)
206. 这个小国是俄罗斯肮脏伎俩的实验室 10-17 This tiny country is a laboratory for Russia’s dirty tricks (www.economist.com)
210. 如果汽车制造走的是消费电子产品的老路,会怎样? 10-17 What if carmaking went the way of consumer electronics? (www.economist.com)
219. 巴基斯坦为中国总理铺上红地毯 10-17 Pakistan rolls out the red carpet for China’s prime minister (www.economist.com)
223. 特朗普万亿美元减税计划失控 10-17 Trump’s trillion-dollar tax cuts are spiralling out of control (www.economist.com)
226. 拜登政府如何搞砸了美国对伊朗的制裁 10-17 How the Biden administration botched America’s sanctions against Iran (www.economist.com)
230. 星际飞船将改变地球之外的可能性 10-17 Starship will change what is possible beyond the Earth (www.economist.com)
231. 意大利开始将移民危机外包给阿尔巴尼亚 10-17 Italy starts outsourcing its migrant crisis to Albania (www.economist.com)
232. 协助死亡法案再次提交威斯敏斯特议会 10-17 An assisted-dying bill is again introduced to Westminster (www.economist.com)
235. 管虫生活在深海喷口周围的地壳之下 10-16 Tubeworms live beneath the planetary crust around deep-sea vents (www.economist.com)
239. 美国加强以色列导弹防御系统。它得到了什么回报? 10-16 America boosts Israel’s missile shield. What did it get in return? (www.economist.com)
240. 拉里-霍根竞选参议员席位的长期赔率为何重要 10-16 Why Larry Hogan’s long-odds bid for a Senate seat matters (www.economist.com)
244. 英国通讯:采访基尔-斯塔默的三点启示 10-15 Blighty newsletter: Three takeaways from an interview with Keir Starmer (www.economist.com)
246. 因研究国家成败原因而获得诺贝尔经济学奖 10-15 An economics Nobel for work on why nations succeed and fail (www.economist.com)
248. 就在黎巴嫩境内,以色列士兵争论该走多远 10-15 Just inside Lebanon, Israeli soldiers debate how far to go (www.economist.com)
252. 页岩革命让美国经济傲视群雄 10-14 The shale revolution helped make America’s economy great (www.economist.com)
256. 更严重的不平等是美国为更快增长付出的代价吗? 10-14 Is higher inequality the price America pays for faster growth? (www.economist.com)
257. 美国经济让其他富裕国家望尘莫及 10-14 The American economy has left other rich countries in the dust (www.economist.com)
258. 埃隆-马斯克的 SpaceX 成就非凡 10-14 Elon Musk’s SpaceX has achieved something extraordinary (www.economist.com)
261. 亚历克斯-萨尔蒙德从边缘走向主流,又从主流回归边缘 10-13 Alex Salmond went from the fringes to the mainstream and back again (www.economist.com)
262. 教育两极分化正在重塑美国政治 10-13 Polarisation by education is remaking American politics (www.economist.com)
263. 俄罗斯为何试图夺取乌克兰的一个重要煤矿 10-13 Why Russia is trying to seize a vital Ukrainian coal mine (www.economist.com)
264. 制衡》通讯:党派立场在过去 50 年中发生了翻天覆地的变化 10-12 Checks and Balance newsletter: Partisan positions have changed drastically over the past 50 years (www.economist.com)
265. 吉姆-拉特克利夫爵士,化工巨头变身体育大亨 10-12 Sir Jim Ratcliffe, chemicals magnate turned sports mogul (www.economist.com)
267. 飓风米尔顿暴露了佛罗里达州开发热潮的危险性 10-11 Hurricane Milton exposes the dangers of Florida’s development boom (www.economist.com)
269. 英国政府在就业权利法案上弄虚作假 10-11 The British government fudges its employment-rights bill (www.economist.com)
271. 哈萨克斯坦就核能问题举行全民公决可能有利于俄罗斯 10-10 Kazakhstan’s referendum on nuclear energy could benefit Russia (www.economist.com)
272. 亚洲正在权衡数据中心雄心与可持续发展之间的关系 10-10 Asia is weighing data-centre ambitions against sustainability (www.economist.com)
274. 以色列攻击的威胁正在重振伊朗的民族主义 10-10 The threat of an Israeli attack is reviving Iranian nationalism (www.economist.com)
275. 伊朗领导人必须选择如何与以色列开战 10-10 Iran’s leader must choose how to fight his war with Israel (www.economist.com)
277. 毒枭的副业:走私金刚鹦鹉、美洲虎和青蛙 10-10 The drug lords’ side-hustle: smuggling macaws, jaguars and frogs (www.economist.com)
279. 殴打阿根廷第一夫人的事件符合拉丁美洲可耻的模式 10-10 The beating of Argentina’s first lady fits a shameful pattern in Latin America (www.economist.com)
281. 降噪技术可减少船只对海洋生物的干扰 10-10 Noise-dampening tech could make ships less disruptive to marine life (www.economist.com)
284. 孙正义重返硅谷--在人工智能竞赛中姗姗来迟 10-10 Masayoshi Son is back in Silicon Valley—and late to the AI race (www.economist.com)
290. 欧洲人面对特朗普的前景如小鹿乱撞 10-10 Europeans are facing the prospect of Trump like a deer caught in headlights (www.economist.com)
299. Mytheresa 能否让奢侈品电子商务取得成功? 10-10 Can Mytheresa make luxury e-commerce a success? (www.economist.com)
300. 美国大选预测:谁将控制众议院? 10-10 US election forecast: who will control the House of Representatives? (www.economist.com)