2. 雷杰普-塔伊普-埃尔多安总统正在扼杀土耳其的民主 04:52 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is throttling Turkey’s democracy (www.economist.com)
5. 美国最高法院处理棘手的投票权案件 02:43 America’s Supreme Court tackles a thorny voting-rights case (www.economist.com)
7. 中国黑客正变得更大、更好、更隐蔽 03-25 Chinese hacking is becoming bigger, better and stealthier (www.economist.com)
8. 泄密事件暴露了特朗普团队的粗心大意和对盟友的蔑视 03-25 A leak reveals Team Trump’s carelessness, and contempt for allies (www.economist.com)
11. 土耳其的反民主镇压正在破坏其经济 03-25 Turkey’s anti-democratic crackdown is damaging its economy (www.economist.com)
12. 加快疟疾疫苗的推广将挽救许多生命 03-25 A faster rollout of malaria vaccines would save many lives (www.economist.com)
13. 新数据显示,英国的阶级鸿沟可能没那么大 03-24 New data show that the class divide in Britain may not be so wide (www.economist.com)
14. 埃尔多安总统监禁对手,危及土耳其民主制度 03-24 President Erdogan jails his rival, and endangers Turkey’s democracy (www.economist.com)
17. 现场音乐似乎不景气。感谢票贩子 03-23 Live music seems recession-proof. Thank the ticket scalpers (www.economist.com)
18. 特朗普是欧洲最重要的强硬派领导人面临的问题 03-23 Trump is a problem for Europe’s most important hard-right leaders (www.economist.com)
19. 制衡》通讯:MAGA 承诺要恢复哪些过去? 03-22 Checks and Balance newsletter: Which past is MAGA promising to revive? (www.economist.com)
21. 阿明-帕佩尔格尔:俄罗斯想要干掉的德国军火老板 03-22 Armin Papperger: the German arms boss Russia wants dead (www.economist.com)
26. 中国正在开发一些令人震惊的新装备,试图收复台湾 03-20 China is developing some startling new kit in its quest to reclaim Taiwan (www.economist.com)
28. 中国为何讨厌巴拿马运河协议,但仍可能不会阻止它 03-20 Why China hates the Panama Canal deal, but still may not block it (www.economist.com)
31. 朝鲜在全球供应链中根深蒂固 03-20 North Korea is remarkably entrenched in global supply chains (www.economist.com)
32. 象牙海岸的成功是非洲最隐秘的秘密 03-20 The success of Ivory Coast is Africa’s best-kept secret (www.economist.com)
35. 美国对胡塞武装的打击可能引发地区风暴 03-20 America’s strikes on the Houthis could whip up a regional tempest (www.economist.com)
36. 古巴如何在加勒比群岛与山姆大叔竞争 03-20 How Cuba competes with Uncle Sam in the Caribbean islands (www.economist.com)
37. 唐纳德-特朗普重塑了世界上最重要的移民路线之一 03-20 Donald Trump has reshaped one of the world’s most important migration routes (www.economist.com)
38. 唐纳德-特朗普会影响墨西哥总统的国内议程吗? 03-20 Will Donald Trump shape the Mexican president’s domestic agenda? (www.economist.com)
39. 唐纳德-特朗普考验的不仅仅是美国宪法 03-20 Donald Trump is testing more than America’s Constitution (www.economist.com)
40. 一个基督教剧院小镇能为特朗普的肯尼迪中心带来什么启示 03-20 What a Christian theatre town can teach Trump’s Kennedy Centre (www.economist.com)
41. 为什么美国没有通过一项法律来更好地治疗毒瘾 03-20 Why America has not passed a law to treat addiction better (www.economist.com)
44. 欧洲需要增加国防开支,而不仅仅是假装增加开支 03-20 Europe needs to spend more on defence, not just pretend to (www.economist.com)
45. 联邦议院批准战后历史上最大规模的财政扩张 03-20 The Bundestag approves the biggest fiscal expansion in post-war history (www.economist.com)
48. 一家北爱尔兰工厂与乌克兰达成了制造导弹的协议 03-20 A Northern Irish factory has a deal to make missiles for Ukraine (www.economist.com)
49. 把苹果和橘子相提并论。还有小型笼养哺乳动物 03-20 Comparing apples and oranges. And also small caged mammals (www.economist.com)
50. 英国个人营养应用程序 ZOE 发展迅速 03-20 ZOE, a British personal-nutrition app, is growing fast (www.economist.com)
52. 必和必拓、力拓和淡水河谷是否应该向中国竞争对手学习? 03-20 Should BHP, Rio Tinto and Vale learn from Chinese rivals? (www.economist.com)
62. 改善人类的梦想不再是科幻小说 03-20 Dreams of improving the human race are no longer science fiction (www.economist.com)
65. 印度热衷于给人民 "独一无二的身份证" 03-20 India is obsessed with giving its people “unique IDs” (www.economist.com)
66. 印度侨民为何尚未接受唐纳德-特朗普 03-20 Why the Indian diaspora has not yet embraced Donald Trump (www.economist.com)
76. 社交媒体上的谣言会让病人感觉更糟 03-20 Rumours on social media could cause sick people to feel worse (www.economist.com)
77. 为什么朝鲜黑客是如此优秀的加密盗贼? 03-20 Why are North Korean hackers such good crypto-thieves? (www.economist.com)
79. 特朗普政府正在玩一场危险的股市游戏 03-20 The Trump administration is playing a dangerous stockmarket game (www.economist.com)
80. 英国间谍为何向私营部门伸出援手 03-19 Why British spooks are reaching out to the private sector (www.economist.com)
81. 普京用部分停火和地缘政治大交易向特朗普示好 03-19 Putin woos Trump with a partial ceasefire and big geopolitical deal (www.economist.com)
83. 美国民主党人拥抱 "丰裕自由主义 "是明智之举 03-19 America’s Democrats would be wise to embrace “abundance liberalism” (www.economist.com)
84. 英国通讯:为什么这么多英国人不工作? 03-19 Blighty newsletter: Why are so many Britons not working? (www.economist.com)
86. 以色列的袭击可能只是加沙新一轮攻势的开始 03-18 Israel’s strikes may be only the start of a new offensive in Gaza (www.economist.com)
88. 大流行病对美国民主党倾向州的学生打击最大 03-18 The pandemic hit pupils hardest in America’s Democrat-leaning states (www.economist.com)
89. 本雅明-内塔尼亚胡正在将以色列带入(另一场)危机 03-18 Binyamin Netanyahu is leading Israel into (another) crisis (www.economist.com)
91. 特朗普的关税能否促进外国对美投资? 03-18 Will Trump’s tariffs turbocharge foreign investment in America? (www.economist.com)
93. 乌克兰军队从库尔斯克死里逃生 03-18 Ukraine’s army escapes from Kursk by the skin of its teeth (www.economist.com)
98. 制衡》通讯:埃隆-马斯克对民主党和美国的低评价 03-15 Checks and Balance newsletter: Elon Musk’s low opinion of the Democrats—and America (www.economist.com)
99. 十项指标解读美国经济现状 03-15 Ten indicators explain what’s going on with America’s economy (www.economist.com)
102. 阿托尔-富加德向种族隔离的南非说出了真相 03-13 Athol Fugard spoke truth to apartheid South Africa (www.economist.com)
104. 如果美国拔掉了 "星链 "的插头,欧洲能否取代 "星链"? 03-13 Could Europe replace Starlink if America pulls the plug? (www.economist.com)
105. 美国政治促使一些中国人探索历史禁忌 03-13 American politics prompt some Chinese to explore historical taboos (www.economist.com)
108. 没有美国,亚洲的安全会有多危险? 03-13 How dangerous would Asian security be without America? (www.economist.com)
110. 阿比-艾哈迈德的农业革命好得令人难以置信 03-13 Abiy Ahmed’s agricultural revolution is too good to be true (www.economist.com)
111. 本雅明-内塔尼亚胡将自己比作唐纳德-特朗普 03-13 Binyamin Netanyahu likens himself to Donald Trump (www.economist.com)
112. 流血事件之后,叙利亚总统能否团结他的国家? 03-13 After the bloodshed, can Syria’s president unite his country? (www.economist.com)
114. 唐纳德-特朗普为政治言论设定了新的界限 03-13 Donald Trump is setting new boundaries for political speech (www.economist.com)
115. 贾里德-艾萨克曼,即将领导美国国家航空航天局的高中辍学生 03-13 Jared Isaacman, the high-school dropout who will lead NASA (www.economist.com)
117. 唐纳德-特朗普让欧洲重回 "不惜一切代价 "模式 03-13 Donald Trump has pushed Europe back into “whatever it takes” mode (www.economist.com)
118. 战胜俄罗斯审查和宣传的斗争 03-13 The struggle to defeat Russian censorship and propaganda (www.economist.com)
125. 美国优先 "可能会促进沃尔玛的墨西哥业务 03-13 America First may be a boon for Walmart’s Mexican business (www.economist.com)
126. 选举下一任奥运会负责人的竞争日趋白热化 03-13 The race to elect the next head of the Olympics is heating up (www.economist.com)
127. 7-Eleven 仍在努力抵御加拿大的收购者 03-13 7-Eleven is still struggling to fend off its Canadian suitor (www.economist.com)
130. 随着马努斯号的到来,人工智能实验已跃然纸上 03-13 With Manus, AI experimentation has burst into the open (www.economist.com)
135. 疾病预防控制中心员工收到的部分电子邮件 03-13 A selection of emails received by employees of the CDC (www.economist.com)
137. 更多的睾丸激素意味着更高的薪酬--对某些男性而言 03-13 More testosterone means higher pay—for some men (www.economist.com)
142. 如果对峙,欧洲比美国更有优势 03-13 If it comes to a stand-off, Europe has leverage over America (www.economist.com)
146. 泽伦斯基是一个不受欢迎的独裁者,还是一个受欢迎的英雄? 03-13 Is Zelensky a disliked dictator or a popular hero? (www.economist.com)
148. 美国贸易鹰派担心特朗普关税墙的缺口 03-13 America’s trade hawks fear the gaps in Trump’s tariff wall (www.economist.com)
149. 加拿大的安全综合体已意识到特朗普的威胁 03-13 Canada’s security complex has woken up to Trump’s menace (www.economist.com)
152. 建造世界上最复杂机器的竞赛已经开始 03-13 The race is on to build the world’s most complex machine (www.economist.com)
155. 埃隆-马斯克的滑稽行为并非特斯拉的唯一问题 03-13 Elon Musk’s antics are not the only problem for Tesla (www.economist.com)
156. 弗拉基米尔-普京真的会同意停止他的杀人机器吗? 03-13 Will Vladimir Putin really agree to stop his killing machine? (www.economist.com)
157. 特朗普反复无常的政策损害了美国资产的声誉 03-13 Trump’s erratic policy is harming the reputation of American assets (www.economist.com)
159. 乌克兰希望停火提议能扭转俄罗斯的局势 03-12 Ukraine hopes its ceasefire offer will turn the tables on Russia (www.economist.com)
161. 哪些国家最容易受到唐纳德-特朗普削减援助的影响? 03-12 Which countries are most vulnerable to Donald Trump’s aid cuts? (www.economist.com)
165. 特朗普的金属关税将使美国工业损失惨重 03-12 Trump’s metals tariffs will cost American industry dearly (www.economist.com)
169. 医疗卫生管理局如何让美国的公共卫生监护人发疯 03-11 How DOGE is driving America’s public-health guardians mad (www.economist.com)
172. 作战室通讯:"安静,小个子"--马斯克式外交 03-11 The War Room newsletter: “Be quiet, small man”—diplomacy, Musk style (www.economist.com)
177. 制衡》通讯:依赖美国是一种弱点 03-09 Checks and Balance newsletter: Depending on America is a vulnerability (www.economist.com)
181. 乌克兰士兵死亡人数与俄罗斯相比如何? 03-07 How do Ukrainian soldier fatalities compare with Russia’s? (www.economist.com)
182. 唐纳德-特朗普的关税政策是 20 世纪 30 年代的倒退 03-06 Donald Trump’s tariffs are a throwback to the 1930s (www.economist.com)
183. 一针一线,罗丝-吉罗内让家庭得以延续 03-06 Stitch by stitch, Rose Girone kept her family going (www.economist.com)
187. 中国军舰绕行另一个岛屿:澳大利亚 03-06 Chinese warships circumnavigate another island: Australia (www.economist.com)
190. 黎巴嫩新政府必须立即做好三件大事 03-06 Lebanon’s new government must do three big things immediately (www.economist.com)
191. 为什么一些非洲人从削减外国援助中看到了机遇? 03-06 Why some Africans see opportunity in foreign-aid cuts (www.economist.com)
192. 一种全新的巴西音乐将在全球蓬勃发展 03-06 A new kind of Brazilian music is poised for a global boom (www.economist.com)
193. 墨西哥称美国枪支制造商向贩毒集团出售武器 03-06 Mexico claims US gunmakers sold weapons to cartels (www.economist.com)
194. 加拿大特朗普的噩梦是自由党的梦想 03-06 Canada’s Trumpian nightmare is the Liberal Party’s dream (www.economist.com)
195. 让保守主义在网络上流行起来的女人们 03-06 The women vying to make conservatism fashionable online (www.economist.com)
196. 唐纳德-特朗普部署管理媒体的新策略 03-06 Donald Trump deploys new tactics to manage the media (www.economist.com)
197. 政府专家组关闭政府内部技术咨询公司 03-06 DOGE shutters the government’s in-house tech consultancy (www.economist.com)
198. 在与性别平等办公室有关的案件中,有三项原则在起作用 03-06 Three principles are at play in the cases concerning DOGE (www.economist.com)
205. 英国围绕 "仇视伊斯兰教 "的定义展开了一场棘手的辩论 03-06 A thorny debate in Britain around the definition of “Islamophobia” (www.economist.com)
206. 叙利亚摆脱了巴沙尔-阿萨德,但没有摆脱教派紧张局势 03-06 Syria has got rid of Bashar al-Assad, but not sectarian tensions (www.economist.com)
207. 全球信任破坏者暗示他们希望达成更多交易 03-06 The world’s trustbusters hint that they want more deals (www.economist.com)
209. 欧洲最大的人工智能初创公司 Mistral 风头正劲 03-06 Mistral, Europe’s biggest AI startup, is blowing hot (www.economist.com)
211. 为富含蛋白质的饮食提供服务是一门美味的生意 03-06 Catering to protein-rich diets is a tasty business (www.economist.com)
212. 德国国防库存激增,军火制造商正在加紧生产 03-06 As Germany’s defence stocks go ballistic, armsmakers are tooling up (www.economist.com)
213. 解除对叙利亚的制裁看似疯狂,但如果不考虑其他选择的话 03-06 Lifting sanctions on Syria seems mad, until you consider the alternative (www.economist.com)
218. 仍被制裁扼杀的叙利亚经济正处于崩溃边缘 03-06 Syria’s economy, still strangled by sanctions, is on its knees (www.economist.com)
221. 唐纳德-特朗普对美国国际开发署的削减也将伤害亚洲 03-06 Donald Trump’s cuts to USAID will hurt Asia, too (www.economist.com)
222. 新法律针对印度第三大土地所有者:真主 03-06 A new law targets India’s third-biggest landowner: Allah (www.economist.com)
224. 最令人担忧的不是关税对经济的影响 03-06 It is not the economic impact of tariffs that is most worrying (www.economist.com)
225. 英国领导人在国外找到了目标。他在国内也需要 03-06 Britain’s leader has found purpose abroad. He needs it at home too (www.economist.com)
227. 唐纳德-特朗普的经济妄想已经在伤害美国 03-06 Donald Trump’s economic delusions are already hurting America (www.economist.com)
230. 中国领导人透露应对 2025 年的计划 03-06 China’s leaders reveal their plan to cope with 2025 (www.economist.com)
234. 基尔-斯塔默和埃马纽埃尔-马克龙正在建立紧密联系 03-06 Keir Starmer and Emmanuel Macron are forging a tight link (www.economist.com)
237. 2025 年最适合和最不适合职业女性的地方 03-06 The best, and worst, places to be a working woman in 2025 (www.economist.com)
238. 唐纳德-特朗普的华盛顿达到党派新高峰 03-05 Donald Trump’s Washington reaches a new partisan peak (www.economist.com)
240. 英国政府可能即将浪费其最好的成功机会 03-05 Britain’s government may be about to waste its best chance of success (www.economist.com)
242. 如果美国真的撒手不管,欧洲还能让乌克兰继续战斗吗? 03-05 Can Europe keep Ukraine in the fight if America really has bailed? (www.economist.com)
244. 小鼠经过基因改造,长得像猛犸象 03-04 Mice have been genetically engineered to look like mammoths (www.economist.com)
246. 特朗普的新关税政策将成为其有史以来最极端的政策 03-04 Trump’s new tariffs are set to be his most extreme ever (www.economist.com)
248. 作战室通讯:白宫失败之后,下一步该怎么办? 03-04 The War Room newsletter: After the White House debacle, what next? (www.economist.com)
249. 唐纳德-特朗普可能对乌克兰造成的残酷扼杀 03-04 The brutal chokeholds Donald Trump could inflict on Ukraine (www.economist.com)
250. 以色列军队采取高风险新战略:更多地形 03-04 Israel’s army adopts a high-stakes new strategy: more terrain (www.economist.com)
252. 欧洲誓言保卫乌克兰,但祈求特朗普的支持 03-03 Europe vows to defend Ukraine, but prays for Trump’s support (www.economist.com)
253. 本周是习近平应对通货紧缩的关键时刻 03-02 This week is a moment of truth for Xi Jinping on deflation (www.economist.com)
254. 萨尔瓦多疯狂的加密货币实验以失败告终 03-02 El Salvador’s wild crypto experiment ends in failure (www.economist.com)
256. 西方领导人必须抓住时机确保欧洲安全 03-02 Western leaders must seize the moment to make Europe safe (www.economist.com)
257. 乌克兰面对没有美国的未来,或许还有泽连斯基 03-02 Ukraine confronts a future without America, and perhaps Zelensky (www.economist.com)
259. 沃洛德梅尔-泽连斯基在白宫的灾难--也是乌克兰的灾难 03-01 A disaster in the White House for Volodymyr Zelensky—and for Ukraine (www.economist.com)
262. 世界上持续时间最长的冲突之一可能即将结束 02-28 One of the world’s longest conflicts may be ending (www.economist.com)
263. 穆赫辛-亨德里克斯用《古兰经》对抗同性恋恐惧症 02-27 Muhsin Hendricks fought homophobia with the Koran (www.economist.com)
265. 塔吉克斯坦的选举不可能是民主的 02-27 The election in Tajikistan is unlikely to be democratic (www.economist.com)
266. 普拉博沃-苏比安托大幅削减印尼预算 02-27 Prabowo Subianto is drastically cutting Indonesia’s budget (www.economist.com)
268. 在独裁者的宫殿里,叙利亚人辩论新宪法 02-27 In a dictator’s palace, Syrians debate a new constitution (www.economist.com)
275. 医疗补助计划的批评者指出了 15 年前进行的一项严格研究 02-27 Critics of Medicaid point to a rigorous study conducted 15 years ago (www.economist.com)
276. 共和党人必须削减医疗开支,才能使他们的数字奏效 02-27 To make their numbers work, Republicans must slash health spending (www.economist.com)
278. 欧洲需要拉动所有杠杆来增加国防开支 02-27 Europe will need to pull all the levers to up its defence spending (www.economist.com)
279. 约翰-帕克是《经济学人》最优秀的记者之一,他是一位多才多艺的记者 02-27 John Parker, one of The Economist’s finest correspondents, was a polymath journalist (www.economist.com)
287. 空中客车公司没有充分利用波音公司的弱点 02-27 Airbus has not taken full advantage of Boeing’s weakness (www.economist.com)
288. 普拉博沃-苏比安托对印尼预算大动干戈 02-27 Prabowo Subianto takes a chainsaw to Indonesia’s budget (www.economist.com)
292. 全球民主指数:2024 年各国的表现如何? 02-27 The global democracy index: how did countries perform in 2024? (www.economist.com)
296. 印度如何在没有工业奇迹的情况下摆脱极端贫困 02-27 How India escaped extreme poverty without an industrial miracle (www.economist.com)