1. 对美国 TikTok 禁令的抗议陷入了矛盾之中 06:27 A protest against America’s TikTok ban is mired in contradiction (www.economist.com)
3. TikTok 的时代已经来临。唐纳德-特朗普能拯救它吗? 01-17 TikTok’s time is up. Can Donald Trump save it? (www.economist.com)
4. 中国实现官方增长目标。并非所有人都相信 01-17 China meets its official growth target. Not everyone is convinced (www.economist.com)
6. 更好地了解亨廷顿氏病带来了希望 01-17 A better understanding of Huntington’s disease brings hope (www.economist.com)
7. 彼得-芬威克成为世界濒死体验专家 01-16 Peter Fenwick became the world expert on near-death experiences (www.economist.com)
11. 一项令人恐惧的倡议,中国已不再提它的名字 01-16 An initiative so feared that China has stopped saying its name (www.economist.com)
12. 唐纳德-特朗普能否维持乔-拜登的亚洲联盟网络? 01-16 Can Donald Trump maintain Joe Biden’s network of Asian alliances? (www.economist.com)
14. 加拿大采用协助死亡的速度比世界上任何地方都快 01-16 Canada has adopted assisted dying faster than anywhere on Earth (www.economist.com)
15. Tether 进驻萨尔瓦多是纳伊布-布凯莱总统的胜利 01-16 Tether’s move to El Salvador is a win for President Nayib Bukele (www.economist.com)
19. 西班牙拟对外国人征收的房屋税无法解决房屋短缺问题 01-16 Spain’s proposed house tax on foreigners will not fix its shortage (www.economist.com)
20. 法国赞助的乌克兰陆军旅严重失败 01-16 A French-sponsored Ukrainian army brigade has been badly botched (www.economist.com)
21. 一部关于墨索里尼生平的电视剧激怒了意大利 01-16 A TV dramatisation of Mussolini’s life inflames Italy (www.economist.com)
25. 英格兰地方政府重组计划遭遇反对 01-16 A plan to reorganise local government in England runs into opposition (www.economist.com)
26. 大卫-拉米动摇英国外交部的计划 01-16 David Lammy’s plan to shake up Britain’s Foreign Office (www.economist.com)
27. 英国政府令市场和企业惊慌失措 01-16 Britain’s government has spooked markets and riled businesses (www.economist.com)
28. 国会和法院中的右派将重塑唐纳德-特朗普的议程 01-16 The right in Congress and the courts will reshape Donald Trump’s agenda (www.economist.com)
29. 终极格斗锦标赛、白大拿和血腥娱乐的兴起 01-16 The UFC, Dana White and the rise of bloodsport entertainment (www.economist.com)
32. 埃隆-马斯克会放弃在墨西哥投资千兆工厂的计划吗? 01-16 Will Elon Musk scrap his plan to invest in a gigafactory in Mexico? (www.economist.com)
33. 十年来最大的一次能源 IPO 可能即将到来 01-16 One of the biggest energy IPOs in a decade could be around the corner (www.economist.com)
40. 首先是停火。其次是特朗普效应可能颠覆中东 01-16 First, the ceasefire. Next the Trump effect could upend the Middle East (www.economist.com)
42. 唐纳德-特朗普将颠覆美国 80 年的外交政策 01-16 Donald Trump will upend 80 years of American foreign policy (www.economist.com)
43. 埃塞俄比亚有了股票市场。现在只需要一些公司上市 01-16 Ethiopia gets a stockmarket. Now it just needs some firms to list (www.economist.com)
45. 巨灾债券为何无法覆盖灾害损失 01-16 Why catastrophe bonds are failing to cover disaster damage (www.economist.com)
46. 债券收益率上升应刺激政府追求增长 01-16 Rising bond yields should spur governments to go for growth (www.economist.com)
47. 真人秀节目 "叛徒 "提供了一堂有益的经济学课 01-16 “The Traitors”, a reality TV show, offers a useful economics lesson (www.economist.com)
48. 看色情片之前是否应该证明自己的年龄? 01-16 Should you have to prove your age before watching porn? (www.economist.com)
49. 经过 15 个月的地狱般的煎熬,以色列和哈马斯签署停火协议 01-16 After 15 months of hell, Israel and Hamas sign a ceasefire deal (www.economist.com)
51. 图尔西-加巴德、西恩-潘和寻找美国人质 01-16 Tulsi Gabbard, Sean Penn and the hunt for an American hostage (www.economist.com)
52. 洛杉矶大火造成的大部分损失本可以避免 01-16 Much of the damage from the LA fires could have been averted (www.economist.com)
54. 患有唐氏综合征的志愿者可帮助寻找老年痴呆症药物 01-16 Volunteers with Down’s syndrome could help find Alzheimer’s drugs (www.economist.com)
57. 朝鲜派兵为俄罗斯作战的好处 01-16 What North Korea gains by sending troops to fight for Russia (www.economist.com)
59. 总统被捕后,韩国下一步该怎么办? 01-15 After the president’s arrest, what next for South Korea? (www.economist.com)
61. 马可-卢比奥会发现中国在拉美地区很难被击败 01-15 Marco Rubio will find China is hard to beat in Latin America (www.economist.com)
63. 从格陵兰到巴拿马和墨西哥,领导人都感到震惊 01-15 From Greenland to Panama and Mexico, leaders are in shock (www.economist.com)
64. 互联网、银行和战争都无法触及的苏丹隐蔽避难所 01-15 A hidden refuge in Sudan that the internet, banks—and war—can’t reach (www.economist.com)
65. 同花顺美国人的感受取决于他们对唐纳德-特朗普的看法 01-15 How flush Americans feel depends on their views of Donald Trump (www.economist.com)
66. 英国通讯:英国在人工智能竞赛中的优势 01-15 Blighty newsletter: Britain’s advantage in the AI race (www.economist.com)
67. 英国正在成为一个礼仪周全但充满欺骗的社会 01-14 Britain is becoming a well-mannered but deceitful society (www.economist.com)
68. 暴力圣战分子对新叙利亚感到失望 01-14 Violent Jihadists are getting frustrated by the new Syria (www.economist.com)
69. 伊朗在特朗普的全面经济攻击面前不堪一击 01-14 Iran is vulnerable to a Trumpian all-out economic assault (www.economist.com)
71. 英格兰的无家可归者人数在过去五年中增加了 26 01-14 Homelessness in England has risen by 26% in the past five years (www.economist.com)
73. 俄罗斯正遭受数百起纵火袭击事件的焚烧 01-13 Russia is being set aflame by hundreds of arson attacks (www.economist.com)
76. 制衡:火灾、格陵兰岛和仇恨的系统化组织 01-12 Checks and Balance: Fires, Greenland and the systematic organisation of hatreds (www.economist.com)
81. 赫伯特-基克尔,奥地利玩弄长线游戏的强硬右翼思想家 01-11 Herbert Kickl, Austria’s hard-right ideologue who played the long game (www.economist.com)
85. 政府工作人员加薪在中国引发愤怒和嫉妒 01-09 A pay rise for government workers sparks anger and envy in China (www.economist.com)
86. 叙利亚维吾尔族武装分子威胁中国政府 01-09 Militant Uyghurs in Syria threaten the Chinese government (www.economist.com)
87. 中国是否拥有拯救经济的财政火力? 01-09 Does China have the fiscal firepower to rescue its economy? (www.economist.com)
89. AUKUS 进入第五个年头。协议进展如何? 01-09 AUKUS enters its fifth year. How is the pact faring? (www.economist.com)
90. 印度尼西亚几乎垄断了镍矿。下一步怎么办? 01-09 Indonesia nearly has a monopoly on nickel. What next? (www.economist.com)
91. 美国再次断定苏丹发生了种族灭绝事件 01-09 America concludes genocide has been committed in Sudan—again (www.economist.com)
94. 加拿大和美国 40 年来一直在为木材问题争论不休 01-09 Canada and America have been fighting about timber for 40 years (www.economist.com)
96. 治疗蛇咬伤时,美国医院求助于动物园 01-09 When treating snakebites, American hospitals turn to zoos (www.economist.com)
98. 美国在产业政策上的押注开始为半导体带来回报 01-09 America’s bet on industrial policy starts to pay off for semiconductors (www.economist.com)
99. 战争罪旧案引发的争端使波乌关系紧张 01-09 A dispute over old war crimes strains Polish-Ukrainian relations (www.economist.com)
100. 西班牙政府纪念佛朗哥逝世 50 周年 01-09 Spain’s government marks 50 years since Franco died (www.economist.com)
101. 欧洲拥有大量锂资源,却难以将其从地下开采出来 01-09 Europe has lots of lithium, but struggles to get it out of the ground (www.economist.com)
102. 奥拉夫-肖尔茨仍认为自己能赢得总理连任 01-09 Olaf Scholz still thinks he can win re-election as chancellor (www.economist.com)
103. 奥地利可能很快就会出现 1945 年以来首位极右翼领导人 01-09 Austria could soon have a first far-right leader since 1945 (www.economist.com)
105. 远程工作的减少冲击英国住房市场 01-09 The decline in remote working hits Britain’s housing market (www.economist.com)
106. 英国人比以往任何时候都更渴望让失落的珍稀物种重获新生 01-09 Britons are keener than ever to bring back lost and rare species (www.economist.com)
107. 英国一项备受赞誉的帮助残疾工人的计划正在让他们失望 01-09 A much-praised British scheme to help disabled workers is failing them (www.economist.com)
109. 埃隆-马斯克关于性虐待的推文揭示了英国政治的哪些问题 01-09 What Elon Musk’s tweets about sex abuse reveal about British politics (www.economist.com)
113. 富士康和其他小商品制造商正在扩张自己的帝国 01-09 Foxconn and other gadget-makers are expanding their empires (www.economist.com)
114. 关于酒精的健康警告只说明了一半的问题 01-09 Health warnings about alcohol give only half the story (www.economist.com)
115. 皮特-黑格塞斯的文化战争将削弱美国的武装力量 01-09 Pete Hegseth’s culture war will weaken America’s armed forces (www.economist.com)
122. 美国的互联网巨头在全球南部被淘汰出局 01-09 America’s internet giants are being outplayed in the global south (www.economist.com)
125. 巴基斯坦军队审判前情报局长 01-09 Pakistan’s army puts a former intelligence chief on trial (www.economist.com)
126. 印尼有镍,但这并不意味着印尼应该生产电动汽车 01-09 Just because Indonesia has nickel, doesn’t mean it should make EVs (www.economist.com)
128. 唐纳德-特朗普会在多大程度上铲除非法移民? 01-09 How far will Donald Trump go to get rid of illegal immigrants? (www.economist.com)
129. 阿拉维派是叙利亚的精英。现在,他们被吓坏了 01-09 Alawites formed Syria’s elite. Now they are terrified (www.economist.com)
130. 从被夷为平地的加沙内部看枪声而非停火 01-09 From inside an obliterated Gaza, gunfire not a ceasefire (www.economist.com)
131. 马克-扎克伯格在事实核查问题上的 "大转弯 "是疯狂的,但却是正确的 01-09 Mark Zuckerberg’s U-turn on fact-checking is craven—but correct (www.economist.com)
132. 美国购买格陵兰可能成为世纪交易 01-09 An American purchase of Greenland could be the deal of the century (www.economist.com)
134. 训练人工智能模型可能不需要庞大的数据中心 01-09 Training AI models might not need enormous data centres (www.economist.com)
138. 特朗普团队从拜登团队那里得到交接暗示 01-08 Team Trump is getting handover hints from Team Biden (www.economist.com)
139. 海湾地区的统治者如何利用科学的力量 01-08 How the Gulf’s rulers want to harness the power of science (www.economist.com)
140. 纽约征收拥堵费可为美国其他地区提供哪些启示 01-08 What New York’s congestion charge could teach the rest of America (www.economist.com)
141. 让-玛丽-勒庞重振法国极端主义政治 01-08 Jean-Marie Le Pen revived extremist politics in France (www.economist.com)
142. 莫桑比克反对派领导人飞回国陷入混乱 01-08 Mozambique’s opposition leader flies home into chaos (www.economist.com)
144. 英国通讯:威斯敏斯特对埃隆-马斯克的误解 01-08 Blighty newsletter: What Westminster gets wrong about Elon Musk (www.economist.com)
146. 韩国总统拒捕,挑战民主制度 01-07 By resisting arrest, South Korea’s president challenges democracy (www.economist.com)
150. 贾斯汀-特鲁多下台,留下一个残破的政党和分裂的加拿大 01-07 Justin Trudeau steps down, leaving a wrecked party and divided Canada (www.economist.com)
152. 非洲正在经历没有经济转型的社会变革 01-06 Africa is undergoing social change without economic transformation (www.economist.com)
153. 非洲可以缩小与世界其他地区的经济差距 01-06 Africa could reduce the economic gap between it and the rest of the world (www.economist.com)
154. 非洲精英应与本国需求保持一致 01-06 African elites should align themselves with their countries’ needs (www.economist.com)
156. 非洲与世界其他地区的经济差距越来越大 01-06 The economic gap between Africa and the rest of the world is getting wider (www.economist.com)
157. 非洲的投资环境不如多年前那么温和 01-06 The African investment environment is less benign than for many years (www.economist.com)
160. 美国陆军需要性能更好、价格更低的无人机参与竞争 01-06 The US Army needs less good, cheaper drones to compete (www.economist.com)
161. 特朗普在国会与共和党持不同政见者对峙 01-05 Trump has faced down Republican dissidents in Congress (www.economist.com)
162. 查理周刊》大屠杀十年后,讽刺文学受到围攻 01-04 Ten years after the Charlie Hebdo massacre, satire is under siege (www.economist.com)
163. 制衡》通讯:科技精英和 MAGA 能走到一起吗? 01-04 Checks and Balance newsletter: Can the tech elite and MAGA come together? (www.economist.com)
165. 欧洲表现最佳股市之一的秘诀 01-04 The secret to one of Europe’s best-performing stockmarkets (www.economist.com)
166. 发展中国家的年轻顾客推动了整形手术的蓬勃发展 01-02 Young customers in developing countries propel a boom in plastic surgery (www.economist.com)
168. 为什么 55 岁以上的人是新的 "问题一代"? 01-02 Why people over the age of 55 are the new problem generation (www.economist.com)
171. 中国批准世界上最昂贵的基础设施项目 01-02 China approves the world’s most expensive infrastructure project (www.economist.com)
174. 多边维和时代不愉快地结束了 01-02 The era of multilateral peacekeeping draws to an unhappy close (www.economist.com)
175. 未做好应对气候变化的准备让洪都拉斯损失惨重 01-02 Failure to prepare for climate change is costing Honduras dear (www.economist.com)
176. 委内瑞拉的尼古拉斯-马杜罗看来将登上王位 01-02 Venezuela’s Nicolás Maduro looks set to take the throne (www.economist.com)
179. 塞尔维亚及其邻国仍远未加入欧盟 01-02 Serbia and its neighbours are still far from joining the EU (www.economist.com)
180. 埃隆-马斯克对极右翼的赞美激怒了德国大多数人 01-02 Elon Musk’s praise for the far right infuriates most of Germany (www.economist.com)
181. MAGA 的人才战争吓坏了首席执行官,也激怒了埃隆-马斯克 01-02 MAGA’s war on talent frightens CEOs—and angers Elon Musk (www.economist.com)
185. 要想了解欧洲企业的未来,不妨看看北欧国家 01-02 To see what European business could become, look to the Nordics (www.economist.com)
187. 叙利亚新统治者继承了一场经济灾难 01-02 Syria’s new rulers have inherited an economic disaster (www.economist.com)
188. 更明智的激励措施将帮助印度适应气候变化 01-02 Smarter incentives would help India adapt to climate change (www.economist.com)
191. 泰国经济亮点越来越难觅 01-02 Economic bright spots are getting harder to find in Thailand (www.economist.com)
193. 埃隆-马斯克会主导特朗普总统的经济政策吗? 01-02 Will Elon Musk dominate President Trump’s economic policy? (www.economist.com)
194. 科技即将登陆华盛顿。为文化冲突做好准备 01-02 Tech is coming to Washington. Prepare for a clash of cultures (www.economist.com)
196. 斯塔姆政府是英格兰不断改进的学校的拙劣守护者 01-02 The Starmer government looks a poor guardian of England’s improving schools (www.economist.com)
197. 芬兰扣押油轮展示如何打击俄罗斯的破坏活动 01-02 Finland’s seizure of a tanker shows how to fight Russian sabotage (www.economist.com)
200. 另一次飞机意外击落只是时间问题,而不是是否发生的问题 01-02 Another accidental aircraft shootdown is a matter of when, not if (www.economist.com)
203. 撒丁岛古老森林正在试用新型消防技术 01-02 New firefighting tech is being trialled in Sardinia’s ancient forests (www.economist.com)
206. 中国正在量子技术领域赶超美国 01-01 China is catching up with America in quantum technology (www.economist.com)
208. 芬兰扣押一艘油轮,严厉打击混合战争 01-01 Finland seizes a tanker, getting tough on hybrid warfare (www.economist.com)
209. 布拉格至柏林的列车失去了旧世界的餐车 24-12-31 A Prague-Berlin train loses its old-world dining cars (www.economist.com)
211. 关于美国的医疗保健,小肯尼迪说对了一半 24-12-31 RFK junior is half right about American health care (www.economist.com)
213. 英国的通货膨胀看起来令人恼火地持续存在 24-12-31 Inflation in Britain looks irritatingly persistent (www.economist.com)
214. 吉米-卡特也许是美国所有总统中最贤明的一位 24-12-30 Jimmy Carter was perhaps the most virtuous of all America’s presidents (www.economist.com)
215. 中国企业正在腾飞,令统治者忧心忡忡 24-12-29 China’s firms are taking flight, worrying its rulers (www.economist.com)
216. 工党缺乏改善英国学校的好点子 24-12-29 Labour lacks good ideas for improving Britain’s schools (www.economist.com)
217. 曼莫汉-辛格是印度的经济自由斗士 24-12-29 Manmohan Singh was India’s economic freedom fighter (www.economist.com)
221. 高品质葡萄酒和高级艺术品今年为何下滑 24-12-27 Why fine wine and fancy art have slumped this year (www.economist.com)
227. 在州一级,美国的民主正在分裂 24-12-23 At the state level, democracy in America is fracturing (www.economist.com)
228. 德国发生的恐怖圣诞袭击比想象中更诡异 24-12-23 A horrific Christmas attack in Germany is weirder than expected (www.economist.com)
231. 美国东海岸发现的无人机凸显了一个更大的问题 24-12-20 Drones spotted on America’s east coast highlight a bigger problem (www.economist.com)
233. 哈罗德-帕尔默修士选择独居荒野 24-12-19 Brother Harold Palmer lived alone in the wilds by choice (www.economist.com)
237. 美国的空中优势时代是否即将结束? 24-12-19 Is the age of American air superiority coming to an end? (www.economist.com)
238. 新加坡政府决心保持小贩中心的活力 24-12-19 Singapore’s government is determined to keep hawker centres alive (www.economist.com)
239. 南苏丹的经济危机威胁其脆弱的和平 24-12-19 South Sudan’s economic crisis threatens its fragile peace (www.economist.com)
240. 埃塞俄比亚和索马里声称已解决危险的宿怨 24-12-19 Ethiopia and Somalia claim to have settled a dangerous feud (www.economist.com)
245. 拜登政府奉行错误的液化天然气出口政策 24-12-19 The Biden administration pursued a mistaken policy on LNG exports (www.economist.com)
246. 代餐饮料为何颠覆英国午餐 24-12-19 Why meal-replacement drinks are shaking up the British lunch (www.economist.com)
247. 认识万亿美元科技俱乐部中最冷酷无情的首席执行官 24-12-19 Meet the most ruthless CEO in the trillion-dollar tech club (www.economist.com)
250. 经济学人》杂志评选的 2024 年度最佳国家 24-12-19 The Economist’s country of the year for 2024 (www.economist.com)
251. 全球变暖正在加速。考虑地球工程的另一个原因 24-12-19 Global warming is speeding up. Another reason to think about geoengineering (www.economist.com)
253. 2024-12-19 The World this Week - 2024 年的世界 24-12-19 The world this year 2024 (www.economist.com)
256. 不要指望货币政策让人们买得起房 24-12-19 Don’t count on monetary policy to make housing affordable (www.economist.com)
259. 冲突正在重塑中东的经济秩序 24-12-19 Conflict is remaking the Middle East’s economic order (www.economist.com)
260. 多马拉朱-古凯什的胜利将加速印度的国际象棋雄心 24-12-19 Dommaraju Gukesh’s win will accelerate India’s chess ambitions (www.economist.com)
263. 警察暴力并未阻止格鲁吉亚的抗议活动 24-12-19 Police brutality is not stopping Georgia’s protests (www.economist.com)
265. 德国政客嘴上强硬,但行动甚少 24-12-19 German politicians are talking tough, but offering little (www.economist.com)
267. 本田和日产的合作无法解决它们的问题 24-12-19 A tie-up between Honda and Nissan will not fix their problems (www.economist.com)
268. 乌克兰正在赢得与俄罗斯的经济战争 24-12-19 Ukraine is winning the economic war against Russia (www.economist.com)
269. 拉美人对专制主义乐此不疲,令人担忧 24-12-19 Latin Americans are worryingly comfortable with authoritarianism (www.economist.com)
270. 学术著作越来越难读--人文学科更是如此 24-12-19 Academic writing is getting harder to read—the humanities most of all (www.economist.com)
271. 给孩子们错误(或不足)的玩具可能会让社会走向灭亡 24-12-19 Giving children the wrong (or not enough) toys may doom a society (www.economist.com)
273. 图表之外》通讯:为什么 R 是数据新闻的最佳编码语言? 24-12-19 Off the Charts newsletter: Why R is the best coding language for data journalism (www.economist.com)
274. Off the Charts 新闻通讯:为什么 Python 是数据新闻的最佳编码语言? 24-12-19 Off the Charts newsletter: Why Python is the best coding language for data journalism (www.economist.com)
275. 阿萨德的一个万人坑被发现,里面有多达 10 万具尸体 24-12-19 One of Assad’s mass graves is found, with as many as 100,000 bodies (www.economist.com)
277. 工人喜欢唐纳德-特朗普。工会应该害怕他 24-12-18 Workers love Donald Trump. Unions should fear him (www.economist.com)
280. 俄罗斯将军被杀表明乌克兰间谍依然致命 24-12-18 The killing of a Russian general shows Ukraine’s spies remain lethal (www.economist.com)
281. 英国政府计划大幅改革地方民主制度 24-12-18 Britain’s government plans drastic changes to local democracy (www.economist.com)
283. 为什么路易威登在苦苦挣扎,而爱马仕却没有? 24-12-17 Why Louis Vuitton is struggling but Hermès is not (www.economist.com)
284. 叙利亚新领导人与克里姆林宫的秘密会谈 24-12-17 The secret talks between Syria’s new leaders and the Kremlin (www.economist.com)
285. 乌克兰部队在库尔斯克庆祝严峻的圣诞节 24-12-17 Ukrainian troops celebrate a grim Christmas in Kursk (www.economist.com)
286. 地球正在加速变暖。科学家们正在研究其原因 24-12-17 Earth is warming faster. Scientists are closing in on why (www.economist.com)
287. 英国工党政府热衷于驱逐非法移民 24-12-17 Britain’s Labour government is keen on deporting illegal migrants (www.economist.com)
288. 抗议活动威胁格鲁吉亚克里姆林宫友好型政府 24-12-16 Protests threaten Georgia’s Kremlin-friendly government (www.economist.com)
289. 英国准备进行四年来的第三次国防审查 24-12-15 Britain prepares for its third defence review in four years (www.economist.com)
291. 制衡》通讯:美国的医疗保健悖论 24-12-15 Checks and Balance newsletter: America’s health-care paradox (www.economist.com)
295. 专访叙利亚新主人的军事指挥官 24-12-13 An interview with the military commander of Syria’s new masters (www.economist.com)
296. 埃马纽埃尔-马克龙为寻找总理人选再下一城 24-12-13 Emmanuel Macron has yet another stab at finding a prime minister (www.economist.com)
297. 人类和尼安德特人经常相遇,但只有一个事件很重要 24-12-13 Humans and Neanderthals met often, but only one event matters (www.economist.com)
298. 什么东西有四个胃,可以改变世界? 24-12-12 What has four stomachs and could change the world? (www.economist.com)